If you’re serious about your tarot practice, then you should definitely keep a tarot journal. Here are 9 reasons:
- It will help you track your progress over time.
- You can use it to record your readings and reflections.
- It will help you develop your intuition and psychic abilities.
- It can be a source of inspiration and motivation.
- You can use it to track your personal growth and development.
- It will help you learn more about yourself and the Tarot.
- You can use it to record your insights and discoveries.
- It can be a helpful tool for charting your progress.
- It makes a great reference tool.
This article will teach you what a Tarot journal is and why it is important.
What is a Tarot Journal?
A tarot journal is a personal record or diary to document one’s experience with tarot readings.
It is a way to reflect on and document the meaning and significance of the tarot cards that are drawn during a reading. You use it to record insights and observations about the process of reading the tarot.
To use a tarot journal, you can begin by setting aside a specific time and place for your tarot readings. You might choose to do a daily or weekly tarot reading, or you might do a reading only when you are seeking guidance or clarity on a particular issue.
Before you begin your tarot reading, it can be helpful to set an intention or ask a specific question that you would like the tarot to help you with. This could be something general, like seeking guidance on a particular decision, or something more specific, like trying to understand your feelings about a particular relationship.
As you draw and interpret the tarot cards, you can use your tarot journal to record your thoughts and observations about each card and its meaning. You can also write down any insights or revelations that come to you during the reading.
After you have completed your tarot reading, you can review your journal entries and reflect on the guidance and insights that you received from the tarot. You may find it helpful to revisit your journal entries from previous readings and see how the advice and insights you received then have played out in your life.
Using a tarot journal can be a helpful way to deepen your understanding of the tarot and to track your personal growth and development over time. It can also be a useful tool for exploring your own thoughts and feelings and for gaining clarity and insight into various aspects of your life.
You can use any journal you want, but I recommend getting something that inspires you to use it such as:
How a tarot journal will improve your readings
In general, a Tarot journal will improve your readings for many reasons. Here are more details about the 9 reasons listed above.
1. It will help you track your progress over time.
A tarot journal can help you track your progress in a lot of ways. By consistently recording your tarot readings and reflections on the meaning of the cards, you can begin to see patterns and themes emerge in your life over time. You may find that certain themes or issues come up repeatedly in your readings, and by tracking these patterns, you can gain insight into your own thought patterns and behaviors.
You can also use your tarot journal to track your progress in working through specific challenges or goals.
For example, if you are seeking guidance on how to navigate a difficult situation, you can record your tarot readings and the insights and guidance you receive from the cards, and then reflect on how you have implemented that guidance in your life.
This can help you see how you are making progress and how the tarot is helping you navigate your challenges and achieve your goals.
2. You can reflect on past readings.
Have you ever done a tarot reading for someone, and then a week or two later, they come back to you and ask what it meant?
Keeping a tarot journal can help you avoid this situation. When you write down your readings, you can reflect on them and see how the situation unfolded. This will give you a better understanding of the tarot, and how to read for specific people.
3. You’ll develop your intuition.
When you keep a tarot journal, you’re developing your intuition. And over time, as you continue to record your readings and reflect on your experiences, you’ll start to trust the messages that your intuition is sending you.
This is an essential part of growing as a tarot reader. After all, the whole point of tarot is to develop a deeper connection with our intuition and use the cards as a tool for personal growth.
So if you’re looking to take your tarot practice to the next level, start keeping a journal! It’s one of the best ways to boost your intuition and make progress in your readings.
4. You’ll understand the cards in a deeper way.
When you keep a tarot journal, you’re not just writing down the meanings of the cards you drew. You’re also exploring your own personal journey with the tarot.
Every time you do a reading, you’ll learn something new about yourself. You’ll see how the cards interact with each other, and how they reflect your own life. Over time, this will help you develop a deeper understanding of the cards and their meanings.
Plus, it’s a great way to track your progress as a tarot reader. You can look back at your old journal entries to see how far you’ve come and what you’ve learned. You’ll probably even cement certain ideas into your mind, like the role of reversal cards in tarot spreads.
5. You’ll be able to see your progress.
So, you’ve started reading tarot cards and you’re finding that it’s really helping you connect with yourself and your intuition. Good for you! But have you ever thought about keeping a tarot journal?
A tarot journal is a great way to track your progress as a reader. You can keep track of the cards you pulled in each reading, your impressions of them, and any other insights you had. This will help you see your growth as a reader over time and learn from your mistakes.
6. It will help you learn more about yourself and the tarot.
You’ll be able to look back and laugh at your early attempts at reading the tarot.
When you’re just starting out, it’s natural to be a little bit daunted by the prospect of reading tarot cards. But over time, you’ll develop your own style and approach, and you’ll be able to look back on your earlier attempts with a sense of amusement.
In fact, keeping a journal will help you track your progress over time and see just how far you’ve come. You can look at your early readings and see what techniques and strategies you used, and how successful they were.
So why not start keeping a tarot journal today? It’s a great way to track your progress and keep motivated as you continue on your tarot journey.
When you keep a tarot journal, you’ll be able to share your experiences with other tarot practitioners. This is a great way to learn from others and get feedback on your readings.
Not only that, but your journal can also be a source of inspiration for other tarot enthusiasts. By reading about other people’s experiences and insights, you’ll be able to learn more about the cards and the meanings they hold.
8. It can be a helpful tool for charting your progress.
Keeping a tarot journal is a great way to track your progress with tarot. Over time, you’ll be able to see how the cards have impacted your life, and this can be really helpful for identifying patterns and themes.
You can also use your journal to track your personal growth and development. It can also be inspiring when you look back over your entries.
Keeping a tarot journal will help you stay more organized. You can use it to keep track of the cards you’ve drawn, your impressions of the readings, and any insights or intuitions that you received.
It’s also a great place to record your thoughts and feelings about the cards, and to keep track of which ones seem to be popping up a lot in your readings. This can help you develop your own personal associations with each card, and over time, it will give you a deeper understanding of the tarot.
9. You’ll be able to refer back to your notes easily.
Keeping a tarot journal is a great way to improve your tarot practice. Not only will it help you track your progress, but it will also make it easier for you to refer back to your notes.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 reasons why keeping a tarot journal is a good idea. So read on and find out why keeping a journal can help you become a better tarot reader.

When you keep a tarot journal, you are committing yourself to a regular practice of self-reflection and growth. As you review your tarot readings, you’ll slowly begin to see patterns in your life and in the cards themselves. This deeper understanding will help you to read with more accuracy and insight.
The journal doesn’t have to be fancy. Any place where you can write things down will work fine.
This can be combined with your Wiccan dream journal or kept separate.
Other articles you may like:
- Beginner Tarot
- Marmanides, M. S. (2022). The One Card Tarot Journal: 150 Prompts for Single Card Tarot Wisdom. Adams Media.