The Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings Simply Explained

Today we’ll cover the meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Swords tarot card. This is a part of a deep dive series on the tarot.


UprightAmbition, drive, action, assertiveness, decisiveness
ReversedHaste, impulsiveness, recklessness, aggression
LoveQuick, passionate relationships; lack of emotional depth
CareerHigh-pressure or high-stakes jobs, leadership roles, risk-taking
FinancesQuick gains or losses, impulsive spending or investments
PastPast actions or decisions have led to the current situation
PresentA need to act quickly, make decisions, or take risks
FutureOpportunities for success through assertiveness and quick thinking

The Knight of Swords tarot card description

Knight of Swords tarot card meanings

The Knight of Swords tarot card typically features an armored knight on horseback, holding a sword aloft. The horse may be depicted as rearing or charging forward, indicating the knight’s impulsive and aggressive nature.

The background may vary in different tarot decks, but often shows a turbulent sky or a battlefield, symbolizing conflict and upheaval. The knight may be surrounded by winds or clouds, emphasizing his swift movement and intellectual quickness.

In some interpretations, the knight is seen as a messenger or messenger of change, riding into battle to challenge the status quo and bring about transformation. The sword he holds is often interpreted as a symbol of truth, justice, and the power of the mind.

Overall, the Knight of Swords tarot card represents swift action, intellectual prowess, and the courage to speak one’s truth and challenge the status quo.

The Knight of Swords card keywords

Some keywords associated with the Knight of Swords tarot card are:

  • Action
  • Swiftness
  • Intellect
  • Courage
  • Truth
  • Justice
  • Communication
  • Aggression
  • Transformation
  • Conflict
  • Change
  • Message
  • Power of the mind

Astrology of the Knight of Swords card

In tarot, the Knight of Swords is often associated with the astrological sign of Gemini. Gemini is known for its intellectual quickness, adaptability, and communicative nature, which aligns with the qualities represented by the Knight of Swords.

In astrology, the planet Mercury rules over Gemini, and this planet is associated with communication, intellect, and movement. This also aligns with the character of the Knight of Swords, who is often depicted as a messenger or one who brings about change.

Upright Knight of Swords tarot card meaning

What is the meaning of the upright Knight of Swords card?

The upright Knight of Swords tarot card represents action, movement, and communication. In the upright position, it symbolizes confidence, determination, and the power of speech, but also cautions against impulsive behavior and harsh communication.

The Knight of Swords tarot card in the upright position represents action, movement, and communication. The knight on horseback symbolizes a sense of urgency and impulsive energy. He is depicted as brave and bold, holding a sword aloft, representing truth, justice, and a sharp mind.

This card suggests that the individual is ready to take charge, make decisions and take swift action toward their goals. They may also be more confident in speaking their truth and challenging the status quo. It’s a time to move forward with determination and assertiveness.

However, the Knight of Swords can also indicate a tendency to act impulsively or recklessly without fully considering the consequences. It may also indicate a lack of empathy and a tendency to impose one’s ideas on others.

In some cases, this card may also represent communication that is harsh or blunt.

In conclusion, the upright Knight of Swords suggests the need for quick action, assertiveness, and the power of communication. It can be a call to take charge and make things happen, but also a warning to be mindful of one’s words and actions.

Example upright Knight of Swords reading

Bernice feels anxious all the time. She turns to the tarot for help and draws the upright Knight of Swords. What does this mean?

The upright Knight of Swords tarot card can indicate a desire for swift and decisive action, which may be what Bernice is seeking as she feels anxious.

The card suggests that Bernice may benefit from being more assertive and confident in her decisions, and communicating her needs and desires more effectively.

However, the card also warns against being too impulsive or acting without considering the consequences. So, it might be a good idea for Bernice to balance her assertiveness with caution and careful consideration.

Reversed Knight of Swords card tarot meaning

What is the meaning of the reversed Knight of Swords tarot card?

The reversed Knight of Swords tarot card indicates a lack of direction and hesitation, possibly due to fear of assertiveness. The card suggests the need for careful reflection and decision-making, balancing assertiveness with caution, and being mindful of the impact of one’s actions and words.

In the reversed position, the Knight of Swords tarot card can indicate a lack of direction, hesitation, and indecision.

The knight on horseback may be depicted as being blocked or held back, suggesting that the individual is having difficulty taking action toward their goals. They may also be feeling vulnerable or afraid to assert themselves and communicate their needs.

The reversed Knight of Swords can also indicate impulsive behavior that has gone astray or communication that is harsh, blunt, or lacking empathy. It may also suggest that the individual is acting without fully considering the consequences, which could lead to negative outcomes.

In conclusion, the reversed Knight of Swords suggests a need for careful reflection and thoughtful decision-making.

It may indicate a time to slow down, consider one’s actions and words, and be mindful of the impact they may have on others. The reversed card may also be a call to find a balance between assertiveness and caution.

Example reversed Knight of Swords reading

Mark is a famous painter but feels unfulfilled. He does a tarot reading and draws the reversed Knight of Swords. What does this mean?

The reversed Knight of Swords tarot card can indicate a time of hesitation, lack of direction, and indecision. This may be particularly relevant for Mark, who feels unfulfilled as a famous painter.

The card suggests that Mark may need to take a step back and carefully reflect on what he truly desires and what he needs to do in order to fulfill his needs and desires.

The card may also indicate a need to balance assertiveness with caution in order to avoid negative outcomes or impulsive decisions.

In short, the reversed Knight of Swords tarot card can be a call for Mark to find a sense of direction and make decisions with thoughtful consideration.

Meanings of the Knight of Swords in tarot positions

Depending on the position of the Knight of Swords card, you will need to interpret it differently.

Love Knight of Swords tarot meaning

In the realm of love, the Knight of Swords can represent the pursuit of passion and excitement. The knight on horseback symbolizes an impulsive and adventurous spirit, ready to chase after the thrill of love.

This card suggests that the individual is taking charge in their love life, with bold and confident movements toward their heart’s desires.

However, the Knight of Swords can also indicate a tendency to act too quickly or impulsively in love.

The sharp sword represents the power of communication but also warns against being too blunt or lacking empathy in one’s words. This card may also suggest that the individual is acting without fully considering the long-term consequences of their actions in love.

In conclusion, the Knight of Swords in a love context represents the pursuit of passion and excitement.

It suggests the individual is taking charge in their love life but also cautions against impulsive behavior and harsh communication. This card may be a call for the individual to find a balance between acting on their desires and considering the impact of their actions on their relationships.

Career Knight of Swords tarot meaning

In the realm of career, the Knight of Swords can represent a drive for success and the pursuit of new opportunities.

The knight on horseback symbolizes an ambitious and determined spirit, ready to tackle new challenges and reach for the stars. This card suggests that the individual is taking charge of their career path, with confident and swift movements toward their professional goals.

However, the Knight of Swords can also indicate a tendency to act impulsively in the workplace.

The sharp sword represents the power of communication but also warns against being too blunt or lacking empathy in one’s words, which could negatively impact relationships with coworkers or clients.

This card may also suggest that the individual is acting without fully considering the long-term consequences of their actions in their career.

In conclusion, the Knight of Swords in a career context represents a drive for success and the pursuit of new opportunities.

It suggests the individual is taking charge of their career path but also cautions against impulsive behavior and harsh communication. This card may be a call for the individual to balance their ambition with careful consideration and to maintain positive relationships in the workplace.

Finances Knight of Swords tarot meaning

In the realm of finances, the Knight of Swords can represent a desire for financial independence and the pursuit of new financial opportunities. The knight on horseback symbolizes a bold and determined spirit, ready to take risks and make decisive moves to secure financial stability.

This card suggests that the individual is taking charge of their finances, with swift and confident actions aimed at securing their financial future.

However, the Knight of Swords can also indicate a tendency to act impulsively in financial matters.

The sharp sword represents the power of communication but also warns against being too hasty in decision-making or lacking proper research and planning.

This card may also suggest that the individual is acting without fully considering the long-term consequences of their financial decisions.

In conclusion, the Knight of Swords in a financial context represents a desire for financial independence and the pursuit of new financial opportunities.

It suggests the individual is taking charge of their finances but also cautions against impulsive behavior and lack of careful planning.

This card may be a call for the individual to balance their ambition with a measured approach, and to ensure that their financial decisions are well-researched and thought out.

Advanced modern tarot interpretations of the Knight of Swords card

I always like to examine other, modern decks to see what can be read into their symbolism.

The reason for this is that every person will have different decks, so it’s good to learn how to go with your gut on what you see. This is the best way to have a good interpretation of the moment.

Too many people stick to a learned reading instead of going with the flow. Remember, each reading, deck, person, position, and question is different. Reading the cards is an art, not a science.

Here is a new interpretation of the Knight of Swords tarot card:

In the realm of social media, the Knight of Swords can represent the drive for online influence and the pursuit of new virtual opportunities.

The knight on horseback symbolizes a confident and daring spirit, ready to navigate the fast-paced and constantly changing landscape of the digital world.

This card suggests that the individual is taking charge of their online presence, making bold and decisive moves to increase their influence and reach.

However, the Knight of Swords can also indicate a tendency to act impulsively online.

The sharp sword represents the power of communication but also warns against being too hasty or blunt in one’s online interactions, which could result in damage to personal relationships or a tarnished online reputation.

This card may also suggest that the individual is acting without fully considering the long-term consequences of their online actions.

In conclusion, the Knight of Swords in a social media context represents the drive for online influence and the pursuit of new virtual opportunities.

It suggests the individual is taking charge of their online presence but also cautions against impulsive behavior and rash communication.

This card may be a call for the individual to balance their ambition with careful consideration, and to ensure that their online actions align with their personal values and goals.

knight of swords tarot interpretations

Back to the Minor Arcana list.

The previous card was the Page of Swords tarot card and the next card is the Queen of Swords card.


  • Dean, L. (2018). The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others. Fair Winds Press.