The Page of Wands Tarot Card Meanings Simply Explained

Today we’ll cover the meaning and interpretation of the Page of Wands tarot card. This is a part of a deep dive series on the tarot.


UprightInspiration, enthusiasm, confidence, creativity, new beginnings
ReversedLack of direction, lost confidence, self-doubt, delays, creative block
AstrologyFire signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
LoveAdventurous, playful, and passionate energy, the potential for a new romance
CareerOpportunities for growth, starting a new project or business, entrepreneurial spirit
FinancesPotential for financial gain through new ventures or investments
PastA time of exploration and experimentation, discovering your passions
PresentAn exciting time full of potential, new opportunities on the horizon
FuturePromising new beginnings, success through creative endeavors, growth in career and finances

The Page of Wands tarot card description

Page of Wands tarot card meanings

The Page of Wands tarot card is part of the Minor Arcana and typically depicts a youthful figure holding a wand in one hand and gesturing with the other.

The background of the card may vary, but often depicts a barren landscape or an open field, symbolizing the possibility of new beginnings and untapped potential. The figure is usually dressed in a vibrant, adventurous outfit, often in red or yellow, signifying enthusiasm and boldness.

The wand the figure holds is a symbol of creativity, inspiration, and ambition, while the gesture on the other hand may suggest a message, an invitation, or a call to action. The figure may also be depicted with wings, signifying the desire for freedom and a spirit of adventure.

In some versions, a castle or a city can be seen in the distance, indicating the possibility of future success and achievement, while in others, a mountain or a hill may be present, symbolizing the challenges that may need to be overcome.

Overall, the Page of Wands represents a time of new beginnings, inspiration, creativity, and confidence. It suggests that one is eager to start a new project or take on a new challenge with energy and enthusiasm.

The Page of Wands card keywords

Some keywords associated with the Page of Wands tarot card are:

  • Adventure
  • Ambition
  • Boldness
  • Creativity
  • Enthusiasm
  • Freedom
  • Inspiration
  • Message
  • New beginnings
  • Possibility
  • Spirit of adventure
  • Untapped potential
  • Youthfulness

Astrology of the Page of Wands card

In tarot, each card is often associated with an astrological sign or planet. The Page of Wands is commonly associated with the fire sign of Sagittarius, which is ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Sagittarius is known for being adventurous, optimistic, and confident, and the Page of Wands reflects these qualities. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, is associated with expansion, growth, and good fortune, which aligns with the message of new beginnings and untapped potential that the Page of Wands conveys.

The Page of Wands also embodies the pioneering spirit of Sagittarius and suggests that one is eager to explore new ideas and experiences. It encourages taking risks and embracing change and suggests that success can be found through bold and confident action.

Overall, the astrological association of the Page of Wands with Sagittarius and Jupiter emphasizes the card’s themes of optimism, adventure, and the potential for growth and success.

Upright Page of Wands tarot card meaning

What is the meaning of the upright Page of Wands card?

The upright Page of Wands tarot card symbolizes new beginnings, creativity, and inspiration. It encourages taking bold steps towards new adventures and suggests success is within reach with enthusiasm and confidence.

The Page of Wands is often interpreted as a symbol of new beginnings, inspiration, and creativity. It is seen as a positive sign, indicating a time of growth and excitement. This card can represent a youthful figure or a new idea or project that is full of potential.

The Page of Wands is associated with taking bold steps toward a new adventure or direction.

The wand held by the figure is a symbol of the creative spark, ambition, and drive to succeed. The open field or barren landscape in the background suggests that there is plenty of room for growth and opportunities.

This card often signifies the arrival of a new challenge or project that requires boldness, enthusiasm, and energy. It can be an invitation to take action, pursue one’s goals with confidence, and embrace the spirit of adventure.

In a reading, the Page of Wands can indicate that the querent is about to embark on a new journey or start a new phase in their life.

It suggests that they have the creativity, inspiration, and ambition to succeed, and encourages them to take bold steps toward their goals. The Page of Wands is a positive and encouraging card, suggesting that success is within reach.

Example upright Page of Wands reading

Lana is considering moving to the countryside. She asks the tarot about this and draws the upright Page of Wands. What does this mean?

The upright Page of Wands in response to Lana’s question about moving to the countryside suggests that this is a positive and exciting opportunity for her.

This card is associated with new beginnings, creativity, and inspiration, and suggests that moving to the countryside will bring about growth and new adventures.

The figure on the card holding a wand represents ambition and drive to succeed, so the Page of Wands encourages Lana to take bold steps toward her goal with confidence and enthusiasm.

Overall, the card is a positive and encouraging sign of Lana’s decision to move to the countryside.

Reversed Page of Wands card tarot meaning

What is the meaning of the reversed Page of Wands tarot card?

The reversed Page of Wands in a tarot reading suggests a lack of enthusiasm, motivation, or creativity. It may indicate a fear of change, reluctance to take action, or feeling discouraged or lacking direction.

When the Page of Wands is reversed in a tarot reading, it can have a different interpretation compared to when it is upright.

A reversed Page of Wands may indicate a lack of enthusiasm, creativity, or motivation. It can also suggest that the querent is holding back or avoiding taking action on a new opportunity or project.

In some cases, the reversed Page of Wands can indicate a fear of change or a reluctance to embrace new experiences.

It may suggest that the querent is not fully confident in their abilities or is feeling unsure about taking a bold step forward. The reversed Page of Wands can also indicate that the querent may be experiencing delays or obstacles in their plans or projects.

Overall, the reversed Page of Wands suggests that the querent may be feeling discouraged or lacking direction. It can be a warning to reconsider their current approach or to rekindle their enthusiasm and motivation.

This card may also indicate that the querent needs to take a step back and reassess their plans before moving forward.

Example reversed Page of Wands reading

Gloria wants to start her own business. She asks the tarot about this and draws the reversed Page of Wands. What does this mean?

The reversed Page of Wands in response to Gloria’s question about starting her own business suggests that she may be facing challenges or obstacles in her plans.

This card can indicate a lack of enthusiasm, motivation, or creativity, and may suggest that she is feeling unsure about taking bold steps toward her goal. The reversed Page of Wands may also indicate that she is holding back or avoiding taking action, or that she is experiencing delays in her plans.

It is important for Gloria to take a step back and reassess her approach in light of this reversed card.

She may need to rekindle her motivation and enthusiasm and work to overcome any fears or doubts that may be holding her back.

This card can also be a warning to reconsider her plans or to seek out guidance or support before moving forward.

Overall, the reversed Page of Wands suggests that while starting her own business may be a challenge, with the right approach and determination, she can overcome any obstacles and achieve her goals.

Meanings of the Page of Wands in tarot positions

Depending on the position of the Page of Wands card, you will need to interpret it differently.

Love Page of Wands tarot meaning

In a love context, the Page of Wands can indicate a new and exciting romantic opportunity.

This card is associated with boldness and a desire to explore new experiences, so it can suggest that the querent is open to trying something new in their love life. The figure holding the wand on the card is full of ambition and drive, so it can also indicate that the querent is eager to pursue their romantic goals with enthusiasm and confidence.

The Page of Wands can suggest a time of growth and excitement in a romantic relationship, or that the querent is about to embark on a new adventure with a romantic partner.

It can also indicate a desire for adventure and excitement in a relationship and encourages the querent to pursue their goals with confidence and passion.

In a reading, the Page of Wands can be a positive sign for the querent’s love life, indicating that new opportunities and growth are on the horizon. Whether the querent is single or in a relationship, the Page of Wands suggests that they have the drive and inspiration to find love and happiness.

Career Page of Wands tarot meaning

In a career context, the Page of Wands can indicate new opportunities for growth and advancement.

This card is associated with new beginnings and a desire to explore new experiences, so it can suggest that the individual is open to trying something new in their professional life.

The figure holding the wand on the card is full of ambition and drive, so it can also indicate that the individual is eager to pursue their career goals with enthusiasm and confidence.

The Page of Wands can suggest a time of growth and excitement in a career, or that the individual is about to embark on a new project or opportunity.

It can also indicate a desire for adventure and excitement in their work and encourages the individual to pursue their goals with confidence and passion.

This card can be a positive sign for the individual’s professional life, indicating that new opportunities for growth and advancement are on the horizon.

Whether the individual is looking to start a new career, advance in their current job, or take on new responsibilities, the Page of Wands suggests that they have the drive and inspiration to succeed.

This card encourages the individual to embrace new challenges and take bold steps towards their professional goals.

Finances Page of Wands tarot meaning

In a financial context, the Page of Wands can indicate new opportunities for growth and abundance.

This card is associated with new beginnings and a desire to explore new experiences, so it can suggest that the individual is open to trying something new in their financial life.

The figure holding the wand on the card is full of ambition and drive, so it can also indicate that the individual is eager to pursue their financial goals with enthusiasm and confidence.

The Page of Wands can suggest a time of growth and prosperity in finances, or that the individual is about to embark on a new financial opportunity.

It can also indicate a desire for growth and abundance in their financial life and encourages the individual to pursue their goals with confidence and passion.

This card can be a positive sign for the individual’s finances, indicating that new opportunities for growth and prosperity are on the horizon.

Whether the individual is looking to increase their income, invest in new opportunities, or achieve financial stability, the Page of Wands suggests that they have the drive and inspiration to succeed.

This card encourages the individual to embrace new financial challenges and take bold steps towards their financial goals.

Advanced modern tarot interpretations of the Page of Wands card

I always like to examine other, modern decks to see what can be read into their symbolism.

The reason for this is that every person will have different decks, so it’s good to learn how to go with your gut on what you see. This is the best way to have a good interpretation of the moment.

Too many people stick to a learned reading instead of going with the flow. Remember, each reading, deck, person, position, and question is different. Reading the cards is an art, not a science.

Here is a new interpretation of the Page of Wands tarot card:

Technology advances quickly. Drawing the Page of Wands indicates that this should be embraced.

The Page of Wands means adapting the latest technology and apps. These innovations will greatly improve your life. There is some risk that the new tech will break and disrupt your life.

But this is well worth the risk.

page of wands tarot interpretations

Back to the Minor Arcana list.

The previous card was the Ten of Wands tarot card and the next card is the Knight of Wands card.


  • Dean, L. (2018). The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others. Fair Winds Press.