A 2025 Imbolc Wiccan Celebration Guide with Script

Imbolc, also known as Brigid’s Day or Candlemas, is a holiday that takes place on February 1st and marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is a time for celebrating the return of light and the beginning of the spring season.

The History and Meaning of Imbolc

Imbolc is a holiday that has its roots in ancient Celtic and pagan traditions. It is believed to have originated in Ireland, where it was known as “Imbolc” or “Imbolg,” which means “in the belly” in Old Irish. This name likely refers to the fact that Imbolc marks the beginning of the lambing season when pregnant sheep begin to give birth.

In ancient Celtic cultures, Imbolc was a time of renewal and rebirth, as it marked the beginning of the spring season and the return of light after the long, dark winter.

It was associated with the goddess Brigid, who was revered as a goddess of fire, fertility, and agriculture. Brigid was also associated with the healing arts, and many people would visit her sacred wells on Imbolc to pray for health and healing.

If you’d like to learn more about Brigid, see this article: Goddess Brighid Invocation and Offerings

Imbolc was also a time of divination and prophecy, and many people would perform rituals and spells to try to glimpse the future. In some traditions, Imbolc was also seen as a time of purification and cleansing, and people would perform purification rituals or fast in order to prepare themselves for the coming year.

Today, Imbolc is still celebrated by some pagans and Wiccans as a time of renewal and a celebration of the goddess Brigid. It is often marked with rituals, spells, and other spiritual practices, and is also a time for connecting with nature and the changing seasons.

Ideas to celebrate Imbolc

Here are some ideas to celebrate Imbolc:

  1. Light candles or a fire
  2. Create a Brigid’s cross
  3. Plant seeds
  4. Perform rituals
  5. Connect with nature
  6. Share your celebration with others

Light candles or a fire

Lighting candles on Imbolc is a way of honoring the goddess Brigid, who is associated with fire and light. In ancient Celtic cultures, Brigid was revered as a guardian of hearth and home, and candles were often lit as a way of inviting her presence and protection.

Lighting candles on Imbolc is also a way of celebrating the return of light after the long, dark winter. Imbolc marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, and the increasing length of daylight is a symbol of the coming spring and the renewal of life.

In modern Imbolc celebrations, lighting candles is often seen as a way of inviting positive energy and inspiration into one’s life. Many people choose to light candles in their homes or on their altars as a way of creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and as a way of honoring the goddess Brigid and the changing seasons.

Create a Brigid’s cross

A Brigid’s cross is a traditional Irish folk charm that is believed to protect against fire and other forms of harm. You can make your own Brigid’s cross by weaving together straw, reeds, or other materials.

Here is a very good and detailed guide on how to do it:

Plant seeds

Planting seeds on Imbolc is a way of honoring the coming of spring and the renewal of life. Imbolc marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, and the increasing length of daylight is a symbol of the coming spring and the growth of new life.

Planting seeds on Imbolc can also be seen as a way of setting intentions or goals for the coming year. By planting seeds, you are symbolically planting the seeds of your hopes and aspirations, and nurturing them as they grow and develop.

In modern Imbolc celebrations, planting seeds is often seen as a way of connecting with nature and the changing seasons. It can be a grounding and mindful activity that helps people feel more connected to the earth and the cycles of life. Even if you can’t plant seeds outdoors, you can still celebrate Imbolc by planting seeds indoors and watching them grow.

Perform rituals

Some people choose to perform rituals or spells during Imbolc as a way of honoring the goddess Brigid and inviting positive energy into their lives. This can be as simple as setting an intention for the coming year or creating an altar with objects that represent your goals and aspirations.

See the last section of this article for a full Wiccan Imbolc ritual and ceremony script.

Connect with nature

There are many ways to connect with nature on Imbolc:

  • Take a walk outside: One of the simplest ways to connect with nature on Imbolc is to take a walk outside and observe the natural world around you. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world, and allow yourself to be present in the moment.
  • Spend time in a natural setting: If possible, spend some time in a natural setting, such as a park, forest, or beach. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the surroundings and connect with the earth.
  • Observe the changing seasons: Imbolc marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox and is a time of transition from winter to spring. Take some time to observe the signs of the changing seasons, such as the emergence of new growth or the return of migratory birds.
  • Practice mindfulness: Nature can be a great source of inspiration and calm. Practice mindfulness by focusing on your senses and the present moment while you are outside.
  • Get your hands dirty: Planting seeds, tending a garden, or engaging in other outdoor activities can be a great way to connect with nature on Imbolc.
  • Connect with the elements: Imbolc is associated with the element of fire, and lighting a candle or a fire can be a way of connecting with this element. You can also connect with the elements of earth, air, and water by spending time outside and engaging with the natural world.

Share your celebrations with others

Imbolc is a holiday that is often celebrated with others, whether that means hosting a gathering at your home or connecting with friends and loved ones online. Sharing your celebrations with others can help to build community and create a sense of connection.

Full 2025 Wiccan Imbolc ceremony script

Here is a script for a Wiccan Imbolc ceremony:


  • Gather any supplies you will need, such as candles, incense, altar tools, and any personal items you want to include on your altar.
  • Set up your altar in a way that feels meaningful to you. You might want to include symbols of the changing seasons, such as seeds or sprouts, or items that represent the goddess Brigid, such as a statue or a piece of artwork.
  • Cleanse your space by smudging it with sage or other herbs, or by sprinkling it with salt water.
  • Dress in clothing that makes you feel comfortable and connected to the earth.


Begin by lighting a candle and incense, and saying a prayer or invocation to welcome the goddess Brigid and the energy of Imbolc into your space. You might say something like:

“I call upon the goddess Brigid, guardian of fire and light, to join me in this Imbolc ceremony. I honor your presence and ask for your guidance as I celebrate the return of spring and the renewal of life. Bless this space and all who gather here.”

Spend some time meditating or focusing on your intentions for the coming year. What do you hope to achieve or accomplish? What do you want to let go of or release? Take some time to journal or write down your thoughts.

Perform any rituals or spells that feel meaningful to you. This might include setting an intention for the coming year, performing a purification ritual, or creating a Brigid’s cross.

Take some time to give thanks and offer gratitude for the blessings in your life. You might say a prayer, sing a song, or simply sit in silence and reflect on all that you are grateful for.

Close the ceremony by thanking Brigid and releasing her energy back into the universe. You might say something like:

“Thank you, Brigid, for your presence in this ceremony. I release your energy back into the universe, knowing that it will continue to guide and protect me. May the light and warmth of spring continue to grow within me and around me. So mote it be.”

Extinguish the candle and incense, and tidy up your altar space. Take some time to journal or reflect on your experience before moving on to the rest of your day.

wiccan imbolc 2023 ceremony guide


In conclusion, Imbolc is a holiday that is full of meaning and significance, and there are many ways to celebrate it.

Whether you choose to light candles, create a Brigid’s cross, plant seeds, perform rituals, or simply spend time in nature, there are endless ways to honor the goddess Brigid, the returning light, and the coming spring.

Imbolc is a time of renewal and new beginnings, and it is a perfect opportunity to set intentions for the coming year and celebrate the cycles of life. So take some time to celebrate Imbolc in a way that feels meaningful and authentic to you, and may the light and warmth of spring be with you always.

You may be interested in learning about the whole 2025 Wiccan Wheel of the Year.
