So you want to know more about Dianic Wicca? This pantheistic religion celebrates the feminine divine and is often misunderstood.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Dianic Wicca, its beliefs and practices, and how it differs from other branches of Wicca.
Dianic Wicca: An Overview
Dianic Wicca is a witchcraft tradition that celebrates feminine power and deity.
Dianic Wiccans focus on the Goddess, the divine feminine, and see the God as her consort or son. Some people who identify as Dianic also honor male gods, but these are generally seen as aspects of the Goddess rather than separate deities.
Dianic Wiccans see the cycle of the moon as a metaphor for the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. They often gather in circles (both physical and virtual) to celebrate the moon’s phases and to work magic together.
There are many Dianic traditions. The most prominent was founded in the United States in the 1970s by Zsuzsanna Budapest. Other traditions draw from traditional British Wicca, folk magic, Roman goddesses, and more.
Like all Goddess traditions in Wicca, you may choose to follow a few, many, or all aspects of this tradition informally. You may also choose to fully commit to a lifelong practice through a formal Goddess invocation ceremony.
We’ll get to how to do this later. For other Goddess invocations, check out:
- Goddess Nyx Invocation
- Goddess Aradia Invocation
- Goddess Brighid Invocation
- Water Goddess Invocations
The Dianic Wiccan Path
The Dianic Wiccan path is one of the most feminist paths of witchcraft.
Dianics focus on the goddess in all her aspects: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. They believe in the power of women to change the world. To follow the Dianic path is to embrace your own power as a woman and to use it for good in the world.
Dianics see the divine in everything and believe that we are all connected. They work to build community and empower other women. If this sounds like something that speaks to you, then the Dianic path may be for you.
Why Choose to be Dianic?
One of the most important aspects of Dianic Wicca is the veneration of the Goddess. Dianics believe that the Goddess is the embodiment of everything that is good in the world and that she represents compassion, growth, and change.
Dianics also believe that the Goddess is present in all aspects of life and that she can be found in both the moon and the sun. They see her as a powerful force for good and someone who can help them connect with their deepest desires and emotions.
This includes embracing Women’s Mysteries, healing from female oppression, and taking full agency of your life as a woman.
These are just some of the reasons to choose the Dianic path. It allows us to break free from gender stereotypes and engage in therapeutic Dianic rituals free from the males who have done systematic violence and trauma to us.
Choosing the Dianic path puts you in a historical tradition of feminism, Women’s Liberation, and sex positivity.
Dianic Wiccan Ethics
One of the key tenets of Dianic Wicca is that we pledge to do no harm. This means that we always act with the utmost respect for all life, and never take actions that could hurt others – either physically or emotionally.
In addition to this, we also believe in the Threefold Law, which states that whatever we do comes back to us threefold. This means that we should always think about the consequences of our actions before taking them and be sure that we’re doing what’s best for everyone involved.
There are rumors that some Dianic traditions do away with these laws and allow curses and hexes, but I would personally steer clear of these. Whether you think these are ethical or not, the Threefold Law doesn’t cease to exist just because you want it to. You will eventually pay the price.
Dianic Wiccan Rituals
Dianic Wiccans celebrate the Goddess in all her aspects. Rituals are often performed outdoors in order to connect with nature and the Goddess.
Dianic Wiccans also believe that all beings are sacred, so they do not perform animal sacrifices. Instead, they often use plants, water, and crystals in their rituals.
There are a vast number of rituals to explore. In this article, I’ll give you the main one to get started: how to invoke Diana.
Diana Goddess Invocation
If you choose to fully commit to the Dianic tradition, I highly recommend finding a coven that adheres to the tradition you most connect with. Dianic Wicca is a very communal path, and you will benefit a lot from having community support.
Still, you may do your invocation and personal commitment as a solitary practitioner. Here is one invocation you may use or alter to fit your needs.
1. Get the materials ready
You will need:
- Moon water
- Charged quartz
- Two blue candles
- Altar
It’s always good to have moon water ready, but if you don’t, simply set a bowl of rainwater outside after sunset on a full moon. Gather the water before sunrise and store it in a dark place until the ceremony.
The rest of the items should be self-explanatory.
2. Choose a time
The most common time to perform your commitment invocation to Diana is during or near the Winter Solstice. Unfortunately, this means you may need to wait. Committing to this path is a very big decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, so exercising patience is wise.
The other main time to draw down the moon is during the full moon.
3. Set up the ceremony
You should wear all white.
Set up your altar to face the moon. This will depend on your location in the world and the time of year, so I can’t give a specific direction.
You should place the two candles on the two sides of the altar with the bowl of moon water directly in the center. Hold the quartz in your hand.
4. Perform the Invocation
Hold the quartz up to the moon and look at the moonlight through the prism of the crystal.
I invoke Diana from thee Draw down the moon I promise to agree In quartz thus attune Mysteries of woman Commited to praise Masculinity I ban For the rest of my days I invoke you Goddess Into my soul Wrapped like a bodice You make me whole
Now lower the crystal into the moon water and sit in front of the altar. Stare into the bowl and reflect and wait.
You will feel a deep warmth enter your body as the Goddess responds to the invocation.
It is complete.
You may now keep the quartz as a symbol of your commitment and a talisman of protection.
Dianic Wicca is a tradition of feminist Wicca that celebrates the feminine divine. It is one of the youngest Wiccan traditions, having been founded in the 1970s.
Dianic Wiccans focus on worshiping the Goddess in all her aspects and believe that women are the creators and sustainers of life. They often work to promote gender equality and female empowerment.
Dianic Wiccans can be found all over the world, and the tradition is constantly evolving.
If you’re like me and feel a spiritual connection to the moon, Dianic Wicca might be the perfect path for you. It’s all about celebrating femininity and the divine in everyday life. There are no strict rules in Dianic Wicca, so it’s a great path for creative minds. I hope this primer has given you a little taste of what Dianic Wicca is all about.

- Leland, C. G. (2018). Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches: The Founding Book of Modern Witchcraft, Containing History, Traditions, Dianic Goddesses and Folklore of Wicca.
- Quarrie, D. (2008). From the Branch ~ A Primer in Dianic Witchcraft. The Apple Branch.
- Vance, L. L. (2011). Review: Re-riting Woman: Dianic Wicca and the Feminine Divine, by Kristy S. Coleman. Nova Religio, 15(2), 130–131.