
Stones for Protection: 8 Best Protective Crystals

You may be asking “what rock is best for protection?” or “What crystals do I need for protection?”

If so, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will describe the 8 best protection stones and how to use them.

What are stones for protection?

Stones for protection are minerals or crystals that are believed to have protective energy or properties that can help to shield the wearer from negative energy or influences. These stones are often used in crystal healing and can be worn as jewelry or carried with you in a pocket or bag.

Some common stones for protection include:

  1. Black tourmaline: A grounding and protective stone believed to absorb negative energy and promote feelings of security.
  2. Amethyst: A calming and protective stone believed to enhance spiritual awareness and help keep negative thoughts at bay.
  3. Citrine: A bright and uplifting stone that is believed to have protective and purifying properties.
  4. Hematite: A grounding and protective stone that is believed to help the wearer stay grounded and focused.
  5. Tiger’s eye: A protective and grounding stone that is believed to enhance confidence and promote feelings of stability.

We will examine the best protection crystals later on.

Overall, these stones are believed to help protect the wearer from negative energy and to promote feelings of safety and security. They can be used as a tool for spiritual protection or simply as a way to feel more grounded and present in the present moment.

In this article, we will use the terms crystal and stone interchangeably. If you’d like to learn more about the role of crystals in Wicca, check out: The Basics of Wiccan Crystal Magic.

Which protective crystals should I use?

The best protective crystals for you will depend on your personal preferences and the specific energies or properties that you are seeking.

It may be helpful to experiment with different stones and see which ones resonate with you the most. You may also want to consult with a crystal healer or expert for more personalized recommendations.

There are many ways that someone can connect with the energy of a crystal for healing. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Hold the crystal in your hands: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you inhale and exhale, allow your attention to shift to the crystal in your hands. Notice any sensations or feelings that arise as you hold the crystal. You can also try setting an intention for your healing work, such as “I am open to the healing energies of this crystal.”
  • Place the crystal on your body: You can place the crystal on the area of your body that feels most in need of healing, or on your crown, third eye, or heart chakra. As you do this, focus on the crystal and visualize its energy flowing into your body and bringing about healing.
  • Hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your altar as you meditate. As you focus on your breath, allow your attention to shift to the crystal and visualize its energy flowing into your body and promoting healing. You can also set an intention for your meditation, such as “I am open to the healing energies of this crystal.”

Remember that the most important aspect of connecting with the energy of a crystal for healing is your intention and focus. Trust in the power of your own energy and the energies of the universe to bring about your desired outcome.

How to use crystals for protection

There are many ways to use crystals for protection, and the specific method that you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the type of protection that you are seeking. Here are a few basic ways to use crystals for protection:

  • Wear them as jewelry: Wearing protective crystals as jewelry, such as a pendant or bracelet, can allow you to carry their energies with you throughout the day.
  • Carry them with you: Keeping a protective stone in your pocket or bag can allow you to have it with you at all times and draw on its energies as needed.
  • Place them in your home: Placing protective crystals in key areas of your home, such as the front door or bedroom, can help to create a protective energy field in your living space.
  • Use them in meditation: Holding protective stones during meditation can help to create a sense of safety and protection as you go within.
  • Use them in crystal grids: Setting up a crystal grid with protective crystals can help to create a protective energy field in your space.

Overall, the key to using crystals for protection is to connect with the energy of the stone and to be intentional about the protection that you are seeking.

For more advanced Wiccan practitioners, you can do a spell to increase the effectiveness of your stones for protection.

Example stone of protection use

Sara is a high school student who has been feeling anxious and overwhelmed lately. She has heard that crystals can be used for protection and wants to try using one to help her feel more grounded and secure.

After doing some research, Sara decides to try using black tourmaline as a protective crystal. She purchases a black tourmaline pendant and starts wearing it every day.

As she wears the pendant, Sara notices that she feels more grounded and less anxious. She also feels more confident and able to handle the stresses of school and teenage life.

Sara is grateful for the calming and protective energy of the black tourmaline and continues to wear it every day as a source of support.

Wiccan spell for protective crystals

You can follow along or modify some of the spells at Protection Spells for Loved Ones or use this basic infusion spell.

  1. Begin by finding a quiet and peaceful space where you can work. Set up your altar with any tools or items that you will need, such as candles, incense, and your chosen protection crystal.
  2. Take a moment to ground yourself by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet and anchoring you to the earth.
  3. Hold your protection crystal in your hands and focus on the energy that you wish to infuse into it. You can visualize a white or gold light emanating from your hands and entering the crystal.
  4. As you focus on infusing the crystal with protective energy, recite the following words:

By the power of the earth and sky, I infuse this crystal with protection. May it shield me from harm and negativity, And keep me safe and sound. So mote it be.

  1. When you feel that the crystal is infused with protective energy, place it on your altar or carry it with you as needed. You can also place it in a location where you feel it will be most effective, such as in your home or workplace.
  2. Take a few moments to thank the elements and any deities or guides that you work with, and then close the spell.

Remember that the most important aspect of any spell is your intention and focus. Trust in the power of your own energy and the energies of the universe to bring about your desired outcome.

The 8 best protection stones in Wicca

Here are the 8 best stones of protection in Wicca and how to identify and to use them.

1. Black Tourmaline

A grounding and protective stone that is believed to absorb negative energy and promote feelings of security.

Black tourmaline is a type of black crystal that has grounding and protective properties. It is often used in crystal healing to absorb negative energy and promote feelings of security and well-being.

Black tourmaline is thought to be particularly effective at blocking negative energies and protecting against psychic attacks.

Remember to cleanse and charge your black tourmaline regularly to keep its energies strong. You can do this by placing it in sunlight or burying it in the earth for a few hours.

2. Amethyst

A calming and protective stone that is believed to enhance spiritual awareness and help to keep negative thoughts at bay.

Amethyst is particularly effective at promoting relaxation and peacefulness and is often used to help with sleep and stress.

In terms of its appearance, amethyst is a beautiful and lustrous crystal that ranges in color from light lavender to deep purple. It is often cut and polished into gemstones and used in jewelry. Amethyst is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Uruguay, and the United States.

In addition to its calming and protective properties, amethyst is also believed to have healing energies and is often used to help with physical and emotional imbalances. It is also thought to be a powerful aid for spiritual growth and development.

3. Citrine

A bright and uplifting stone that is believed to have protective and purifying properties.

Citrine is a type of yellow or golden-colored crystal used in crystal healing to promote feelings of happiness and positivity and to help attract abundance and prosperity.

Citrine is particularly effective at dissipating negative energy and promoting feelings of joy and vitality.

In terms of its appearance, citrine is a sparkling and radiant crystal that ranges in color from pale yellow to deep golden brown. It is often cut and polished into gemstones and used in jewelry. Citrine is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, and the United States.

In addition to its protective and purifying properties, citrine has healing energies and is often used to help with physical and emotional imbalances. It is a powerful aid for manifestation and bringing about desired outcomes.

4. Hematite

A grounding and protective stone that is believed to help the wearer stay grounded and focused.

Hematite is a type of metallic grey or black crystal that has grounding and protective properties. It is often used in crystal healing to promote feelings of stability and to help the wearer stay grounded and focused.

In terms of its appearance, hematite is a shiny and reflective crystal that ranges in color from silver-grey to black. It is often cut and polished into gemstones and used in jewelry. Hematite is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Canada, and the United States.

In addition to its grounding and protective properties, hematite also has healing energies and is often used to help with physical and emotional imbalances. It is a powerful aid for concentration and focus and is often used to help with study and memory.

5. Tiger’s eye

A stone for protection that is believed to enhance confidence and promote feelings of stability.

Tiger’s eye is a type of golden-brown or golden-yellow crystal used in crystal healing to promote feelings of stability and enhance confidence.

In terms of its appearance, tiger’s eye is a lustrous and reflective crystal that ranges in color from golden brown to golden yellow. It is often cut and polished into gemstones and used in jewelry. Tiger’s eye is found in many parts of the world, including South Africa, Australia, and the United States.

In addition to its protective and grounding properties, tiger’s eye is also has healing energies and is often used to help with physical and emotional imbalances.

6. Onyx

A protective and grounding stone that is believed to help the wearer stay focused and grounded.

Onyx is a type of black or dark-colored crystal that is often used in crystal healing to help the wearer stay focused and grounded. Onyx is thought to be particularly effective at dissipating negativity and promoting feelings of strength and courage.

In terms of its appearance, onyx is a smooth and glossy crystal that ranges in color from black to dark brown. It is often cut and polished into gemstones and used in jewelry. Onyx is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, India, and the United States.

In addition to its protective and grounding properties, onyx is also believed to have healing energies for concentration and focus and is often used to help with study and memory.

7. Bloodstone

A grounding and protective stone that is believed to have purifying and healing properties.

Bloodstone is a type of green crystal with red or reddish-brown flecks.

In terms of its appearance, bloodstone is a deep green crystal with red or reddish-brown flecks that is often cut and polished into gemstones and used in jewelry. Bloodstone is found in many parts of the world, including India, Brazil, and the United States.

In addition to its grounding and protective properties, bloodstone is also believed to have healing energies and is often used to help with physical and emotional imbalances. It is also thought to be a powerful aid for purification and cleansing and is often used to help with detoxification and blood disorders.

8. Smokey quartz

A grounding and protective stone that is believed to help the wearer release negativity and stay grounded.

Smokey quartz is grey. It is often cut and polished into gemstones and used in jewelry. Smokey quartz is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, and the United States.

In addition to its grounding and protective properties, smokey quartz is also believed to have healing energies and is often used to help with physical and emotional imbalances. It is also thought to be a powerful aid for releasing negativity and promoting feelings of calm and relaxation. Smokey quartz is often used to help with anxiety, stress, and tension.


  • Lyons, M. K. (2020). Crystal Healing for Women: A Modern Guide to the Power of Crystals for Renewed Energy, Strength, and Wellness. Zeitgeist.

I took an interest in Wicca early on. I was born in the backwoods of upstate New York and always felt a deep connection with nature. I have continued to live in close harmony with nature in rural Connecticut. After twenty years of practice, I have decided to start this educational site on what I’ve learned along the way.

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