
Tarot is a wonderful tool for many. Some people use it as a divination tool, but many people use it as a way to probe the unconscious.

Tarot can be used for personal growth, journaling, writing, and problem-solving.

Come learn on this journey with me. I’ll use this page to collect resources I write on the site as well as some helpful resources by other people.

I’ll add some planned articles that haven’t been written, too, so that you know what to expect.

Check back often!

Learn Tarot



Deep Dive Series

Minor Arcana

Knight of Wands

Major Arcana

0. The Fool

1. The Magician

2. The High Priestess

3. The Empress

4. The Emperor

5. The Hierophant

6. The Lovers

7. The Chariot

8. Strength

9. The Hermit

10. The Wheel of Fortune

12. The Hanged Man



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