What is Seax-Wica? A Guide to Seax Witchcraft for Wiccans

Seax-Wica, or Saxon Witchcraft, is a modern Wiccan tradition that draws on the beliefs and practices of ancient Saxons, merged with contemporary Wiccan principles.

As an accessible and egalitarian path within the Wiccan community, Seax-Wica attracts those who seek a connection with their Saxon heritage or an alternative to more hierarchical traditions.

In this article, we’ll explore the history, beliefs, practices, and how to get started with Seax-Wica.

History of Seax-Wica

Raymond Buckland and Seax-Wica

Seax-Wica was founded by Raymond Buckland, an influential figure in modern witchcraft, in the early 1970s. Buckland, initially a prominent figure within the Gardnerian tradition, sought to create a Wiccan path that was more open, inclusive, and based on historical Anglo-Saxon practices.

The Saxon Connection

Buckland’s creation of Seax-Wica stems from his desire to honor the Saxon heritage, drawing from historical sources and existing folklore. Although Seax-Wica incorporates elements of ancient Saxon religion, it is important to note that it remains a contemporary Wiccan tradition, adapted to suit modern practitioners.

Beliefs and Principles

Seax-Wica’s Pantheon

The pantheon of Seax-Wica primarily focuses on two deities: Woden and Freya. Woden, also known as Odin in Norse mythology, is the god of wisdom, war, and poetry. Freya, a goddess of love, fertility, and beauty, is also revered in this tradition.

Although these two deities are central to Seax-Wica, practitioners may also choose to honor other gods and goddesses from the Saxon or Norse pantheon.

Hierarchy in Seax-Wica

One of the main differences between Seax-Wica and other Wiccan traditions is its approach to hierarchy. Seax-Wica covens operate with a more democratic structure, emphasizing equality among members.

There are elected positions, such as the High Priest and High Priestess, but these roles rotate regularly to maintain balance and avoid power imbalances.

Seax-Wica Practices

Rituals and Celebrations

Seax-Wica shares many rituals and celebrations with other Wiccan traditions, including the eight Sabbats that mark the Wheel of the Year. However, Seax-Wica may incorporate specific Saxon customs or symbolism into these celebrations.

Rituals often include invocations to Woden and Freya, as well as the use of runes and Saxon symbolism.


Seax-Wica practitioners may use various divination methods, such as rune casting, tarot, scrying, or pendulum work. The use of runes is particularly popular, as they have strong connections to the Saxon and Norse cultures from which Seax-Wica draws inspiration.

Magick and Spellwork

Similar to other Wiccan traditions, Seax-Wica incorporates magick and spellwork into its practices. However, the focus may be on using elements and symbolism related to the Saxon and Norse cultures. This can include working with runes, utilizing Saxon-inspired herbal remedies, and incorporating Saxon mythology into rituals and spells.

Seax-Wica and Other Wiccan Traditions

Although Seax-Wica is distinct in its emphasis on Saxon heritage and its egalitarian approach, it shares many core beliefs and practices with other Wiccan traditions.

Practitioners may find that they can easily adapt rituals and spellwork from other traditions to suit their Seax-Wica practice. Additionally, Seax-Wica is compatible with eclectic Wiccan paths, allowing practitioners to explore other areas of interest while still maintaining their connection to Saxon witchcraft.

The Seax-Wica Book of Shadows

Raymond Buckland’s “The Tree: The Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft” serves as the primary text for Seax-Wica practitioners. This book provides an overview of the tradition’s history, beliefs, and practices, as well as a collection of rituals, spells, and other resources.

As with other Wiccan traditions, Seax-Wica practitioners are encouraged to create their own personal Book of Shadows to document their individual journey and growth within the path.

Getting Started with Seax-Wica

Finding a Coven

For those interested in practicing Seax-Wica within a community, finding a Seax-Wica coven can provide valuable support and mentorship. Online forums, social media groups, and local metaphysical shops can be useful resources for connecting with other Seax-Wica practitioners.

Studying Seax-Wica

Before embarking on a Seax-Wica practice, it is essential to familiarize oneself with the tradition’s history, beliefs, and practices. Buckland’s Book of Saxon Witchcraft is an excellent starting point, but additional research into Saxon history, folklore, and mythology can provide further insight and understanding.

buckland book of saxon witchcraft

Becoming a Seax-Wica Practitioner

Dedication and self-initiation are crucial steps in becoming a Seax-Wica practitioner. A personal commitment to the path, combined with ongoing study and practice, will help develop a deep connection with Seax-Wica’s principles and deities.


Seax-Wica is a unique and accessible Wiccan tradition that offers an alternative for those seeking to explore their Saxon heritage or a less hierarchical path within the Wiccan community. By understanding its history, beliefs, and practices, one can embark on a fulfilling and transformative journey with Seax-Wica.

seax-wica and seax wicca


Is Seax-Wica suitable for beginners?

Yes, Seax-Wica is suitable for beginners, as it emphasizes accessibility and inclusivity. New practitioners can benefit from the tradition’s democratic structure and straightforward practices.

Can I practice Seax-Wica as a solitary witch?

Absolutely. While some practitioners may prefer the support of a coven, Seax-Wica can also be practiced individually by those who prefer a solitary path.

How is Seax-Wica different from other Wiccan traditions?

Seax-Wica differs from other Wiccan traditions primarily in its focus on Saxon heritage, its emphasis on a more democratic and egalitarian coven structure, and the use of Saxon and Norse symbolism in rituals and spellwork.

Do I need to be of Saxon descent to practice Seax-Wica?

No, Seax-Wica is open to practitioners of any cultural background. While it is inspired by Saxon history and mythology, anyone who feels drawn to the tradition can practice and benefit from its teachings.

Are there any specific tools or materials required for Seax-Wica practice?

While Seax-Wica shares many common tools with other Wiccan traditions, such as the athame, chalice, and pentacle, it also incorporates Saxon-specific elements like runes and Saxon deities.

However, practitioners are encouraged to adapt their practice to their own preferences and needs, using the tools and materials that resonate most with them.