
The Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings Simply Explained

Today we’ll cover the meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Pentacles tarot card. This is a part of a deep dive series on the tarot.


UprightHard work, dedication, mastery, apprenticeship, skill-building
ReversedLack of focus, boredom, mediocrity, low quality of work
AstrologySun in Virgo
LoveFocused on improving the relationship, working together
CareerDedication to career growth, learning new skills
FinancesInvestment in oneself, long-term financial planning
PastTime spent learning new skills and building a foundation
PresentFocused on mastering a specific skill or craft
FutureSuccess through dedication and hard work

The Eight of Pentacles tarot card description

The Eight of Pentacles tarot card is typically depicted as an image of a craftsman or artisan working on several pentacles, which are five-pointed stars within a circle. The craftsman is shown to be focused and dedicated to his work, creating intricate designs on the pentacles.

In the background of the image, there may be a workshop or studio where the craftsman works, with tools of the trade scattered around the area. The pentacles themselves may be displayed on a wall, or they may be in various stages of completion on a worktable.

The central figure of the craftsman symbolizes hard work, dedication, and mastery of a skill. The pentacles themselves represent the material rewards that come from the application of one’s talents and abilities.

Overall, the Eight of Pentacles is a card of learning, developing, and perfecting a skill.

It suggests that if one applies themselves with discipline and focus, they will eventually see their efforts pay off in the form of recognition, financial rewards, or a feeling of personal satisfaction.

In a tarot reading, this card can indicate that the querent is making progress in their career, honing their skills, or developing their talents. It may also suggest a need to focus on work, education, or training in order to achieve success.

The Eight of Pentacles card keywords

Here are some keywords associated with the Eight of Pentacles tarot card:

  • Craftsmanship
  • Apprenticeship
  • Skill development
  • Dedication
  • Hard work
  • Mastery
  • Progress
  • Learning
  • Perfection
  • Discipline
  • Recognition
  • Financial rewards
  • Personal satisfaction
  • Career advancement
  • Education
  • Training
  • Focused effort
  • Productivity
  • Diligence

Astrology of the Eight of Pentacles card

In tarot, the astrological correspondences for the tarot cards are not set in stone and may vary between different sources and interpretations. However, some tarot readers and practitioners associate the Eight of Pentacles with the sign of Virgo.

Virgo is an earth sign and is known for its focus on work, efficiency, and practicality. The sign is also associated with learning and growth, as well as attention to detail and a desire for perfection.

These traits align with the themes of skill development, hard work, and mastery represented by the Eight of Pentacles.

In this sense, the astrological correspondence between the Eight of Pentacles and Virgo highlights the importance of disciplined effort, practical application of skills, and a focus on continuous improvement in order to achieve success and satisfaction.

It’s worth noting that these associations are not absolute, and different tarot readers may have different astrological correspondences for the Eight of Pentacles.

However, the general association between the card and Virgo highlights the themes of hard work, skill development, and practicality that are central to the card’s meaning.

Upright Eight of Pentacles tarot card meaning

What is the meaning of the upright Eight of Pentacles card?

The upright Eight of Pentacles tarot card represents hard work, dedication, and skill development. The card suggests that by focusing on education, training, and the practical application of one’s abilities, the individual will achieve material success and personal satisfaction.

The traditional interpretation of the upright Eight of Pentacles tarot card is one of hard work and dedication to a particular skill or craft.

The central figure on the card, a craftsman or artisan, is shown working intently on several pentacles, representing the material rewards that come from the application of one’s talents and abilities.

This card suggests that the individual is making progress in their career or personal development, honing their skills, and focusing their efforts in order to achieve success.

In this context, success is not just defined by financial reward, but also by the satisfaction of personal mastery and recognition of one’s abilities.

The image of the craftsman working in a workshop or studio highlights the importance of focus and dedication in order to achieve these goals. The scattered tools and various stages of completion of the pentacles suggest that the individual is in the process of learning and developing their skills.

Overall, the upright Eight of Pentacles card signifies a time of growth and development, where hard work and discipline will pay off in the form of material success and personal satisfaction.

It encourages the individual to focus on their skills, education, or training, and to apply themselves with diligence and determination in order to achieve their goals.

Example upright Eight of Pentacles reading

Olivia tends to hoard junk in her house. She turns to the tarot for help and draws the upright Eight of Pentacles. What does this mean?

If Olivia draws the upright Eight of Pentacles tarot card, this suggests that she may be ready to turn her focus towards developing a new skill or improving upon an existing one.

The image of the craftsman working intently on several pentacles symbolizes the importance of hard work and dedication in order to achieve success.

In Olivia’s case, this could mean using her focus and determination to declutter her home and turn her hoarding tendencies into a productive and organized lifestyle.

By dedicating herself to learning new techniques and honing her skills in organization, she may find that her efforts result in a sense of personal satisfaction and order in her home.

Reversed Eight of Pentacles card tarot meaning

What is the meaning of the reversed Eight of Pentacles tarot card?

The reversed Eight of Pentacles tarot card indicates a lack of motivation and focus, resulting in feelings of boredom, stagnation, and frustration in one’s work and career. The card suggests the need to reevaluate priorities and refocus efforts to achieve success and satisfaction.

In the traditional interpretation of the reversed Eight of Pentacles tarot card, the focus on skill development and hard work may be lacking or thwarted in some way.

This can suggest a lack of motivation, distractions, or a feeling of boredom with one’s current projects or pursuits.

The reversed position of the card can also indicate that the individual is struggling to find their place or purpose in their work or career, or that they are not fully utilizing their talents and abilities.

Additionally, the reversed Eight of Pentacles can suggest a lack of progress or a feeling of stagnation. The scattered tools and unfinished pentacles in the image may indicate a lack of focus, discipline, or direction in one’s efforts.

The individual may be feeling discouraged or lacking in confidence, causing them to abandon their projects or lose sight of their goals.

Overall, the reversed Eight of Pentacles card can indicate a period of frustration and disappointment in one’s work and career.

The card suggests that the individual may need to reevaluate their priorities and refocus their efforts in order to achieve the success and satisfaction that they desire.

Example reversed Eight of Pentacles reading

Pearl finds herself drifting off into unhelpful thoughts frequently. She does a tarot reading and draws the reversed Eight of Pentacles. What does this mean?

If Pearl draws the reversed Eight of Pentacles tarot card, it may suggest that she is struggling with motivation and focus in her daily life.

The image of scattered tools and unfinished pentacles in the reversed position of the card can indicate a lack of direction or discipline, causing her to feel frustrated or discouraged.

In Pearl’s case, this card may indicate that she is letting her unhelpful thoughts and distractions prevent her from achieving her goals and finding fulfillment in her daily life.

The reversed Eight of Pentacles suggests that Pearl may need to work on regaining control of her thoughts and focusing her efforts in order to find purpose and direction.

This may involve setting goals, creating a daily routine, and dedicating herself to personal growth and development.

By working on improving her focus and discipline, Pearl may be able to overcome the distractions and negative thoughts that have been holding her back and find greater satisfaction in her daily life.

Meanings of the Eight of Pentacles in tarot positions

Depending on the position of the Eight of Pentacles card, you will need to interpret it differently.

Love Eight of Pentacles tarot meaning

In a love context, the Eight of Pentacles tarot card can symbolize a deep commitment to personal growth and development. The image of the craftsman meticulously working on several pentacles represents the dedication and hard work required to achieve mastery and success.

In a love relationship, this card suggests that both partners are focused on improving themselves and their relationship, striving towards a brighter future together.

The Eight of Pentacles can indicate a time of increased effort and investment in the relationship, with both partners putting in the necessary work to strengthen their bond and build a happy, fulfilling future together.

This card can also suggest a shared focus on practical and material goals, such as building a home, starting a family, or pursuing financial stability.

On a deeper level, the Eight of Pentacles in a love context can suggest a mutual desire for growth, both in the relationship and as individuals.

This card can indicate a time of increased self-discovery and exploration, with both partners striving to understand their own needs, desires, and goals. Through this process, they may find that they are able to deepen their connection and build a stronger, more resilient love.

Career Eight of Pentacles tarot meaning

The Eight of Pentacles in a career context is all about putting your nose to the grindstone and mastering your craft. The image of the determined craftsman on this card tells the tale of hard work and dedication, as they churn out pentacle after pentacle with precision and focus.

In your career, this card is a call to step up your game and pour yourself into your work.

Whether you’re starting a new job, learning a new skill, or climbing the ladder in your current gig, the Eight of Pentacles asks you to embrace the challenge and put in the effort required to excel.

This card encourages you to focus on your goals and hone your abilities, turning yourself into a true master of your trade.

So, if you’re feeling stuck in your career or just looking to take your skills to the next level, the Eight of Pentacles is your ticket to ride. Embrace the hard work and dedication, and watch as your career takes off!

Finances Eight of Pentacles tarot meaning

The Eight of Pentacles in a financial context is all about putting in the elbow grease and making your money work for you. The image of the focused craftsman on this card symbolizes the dedication and hard work required to turn raw materials into something of value.

In your finances, this card is a sign to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Whether you’re looking to save up for a big purchase, invest in a new opportunity, or just get your finances in order, the Eight of Pentacles is your call to action.

This card encourages you to focus on your financial goals and put in the effort required to reach them.

So, if you’re feeling a bit stuck in your finances or just looking for a boost, the Eight of Pentacles is the way to go. Embrace the hard work and dedication, and watch as your finances take flight!

Whether you’re saving up for a rainy day or building a nest egg for your future, this card is all about turning your financial aspirations into a tangible reality.

Advanced modern tarot interpretations of the Eight of Pentacles card

I always like to examine other, modern decks to see what can be read into their symbolism.

The reason for this is that every person will have different decks, so it’s good to learn how to go with your gut on what you see. This is the best way to have a good interpretation of the moment.

Too many people stick to a learned reading instead of going with the flow. Remember, each reading, deck, person, position, and question is different. Reading the cards is an art, not a science.

Here is a new interpretation of the Eight of Pentacles tarot card:

The Eight of Pentacles in a technological context is all about hacking your way to success. The image of the skilled craftsman on this card represents the dedication and hard work required to turn a bunch of code into a fully-functional, game-changing piece of technology.

In the tech world, this card is your call to level up your skills and make your mark.

Whether you’re working on a new app, developing cutting-edge software, or just trying to stay ahead of the curve, the Eight of Pentacles is your signal to put in the work required to become a tech master. This card encourages you to focus on your goals and turn your ideas into realities.

So, if you’re feeling stuck in the tech world or just looking for a new challenge, the Eight of Pentacles is your ticket to ride. Embrace the dedication and hard work, and watch as your tech skills soar.

This card is all about turning your tech dreams into tangible realities and making your mark on the digital world.

Back to the Minor Arcana list.

The previous card was the Seven of Pentacles tarot card and the next card is the Nine of Pentacles card.


  • Dean, L. (2018). The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others. Fair Winds Press.

I took an interest in Wicca early on. I was born in the backwoods of upstate New York and always felt a deep connection with nature. I have continued to live in close harmony with nature in rural Connecticut. After twenty years of practice, I have decided to start this educational site on what I’ve learned along the way.

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