
The Role of Intuition in Tarot Card Readings: A Guide for Beginners

Tarot card readings have been used for centuries as a way to gain insight and guidance. While many people believe that the cards themselves hold some sort of magical power, the truth is that it’s the intuition of the reader that really drives the process.

In this guide, we’ll explore the role of intuition in tarot card readings, and offer some tips for beginners looking to develop their own intuitive abilities.

If you’re just getting started, you may like the guide: Beginner Tarot Spreads or Choosing a Tarot Deck or Using Tarot in Wicca.

What is Intuition, and How Does it Relate to Tarot Card Readings?

At its core, intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s a sort of “gut feeling” that we all experience from time to time, and it can be incredibly powerful when harnessed properly.

In the context of tarot card readings, intuition plays a critical role.

While the cards themselves can offer some guidance, it’s often the reader’s intuition that allows them to truly connect with the person they’re reading for.

Intuition allows the reader to pick up on subtle cues and energies that may not be immediately apparent, and to use those insights to provide a more meaningful and accurate reading.

How to Develop Your Intuition for Tarot Card Readings

If you’re interested in learning to read tarot cards, it’s important to start by developing your intuition. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Practice Meditation

One way to develop intuition is through the practice of meditation. Meditation involves quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom and develop a deeper sense of self-awareness.

To get started with meditation, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight and your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths, and then allow your breath to settle into its natural rhythm.

As thoughts and distractions arise, simply observe them without judgment and then return your focus to your breath. Over time, you may find that your mind becomes more still and that you are able to connect more deeply with your intuition.

Trust Your First Impressions

Trusting your first impressions is another important aspect of developing your intuition when reading tarot cards. When you first lay out the cards and start to interpret them, pay attention to your initial reactions and feelings. These initial impressions are often a result of your intuition and can provide valuable insights into the meaning of the cards.

It’s important to trust these initial impressions, even if they don’t seem to make sense at first. Your intuition often works in subtle and mysterious ways, and it may take some time for the full meaning of a reading to become clear.

One way to develop your ability to trust your first impressions is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment, allowing you to tune in to your inner voice and develop a greater sense of self-awareness.

To practice mindfulness, try taking a few moments each day to sit quietly and observe your thoughts and feelings. As you do this, pay attention to any intuitive insights or feelings that arise, and trust that they are valid and meaningful.

By learning to trust your first impressions and practicing mindfulness, you can develop a stronger connection to your intuition and become a more effective and insightful tarot card reader.

Pay Attention to Your Dreams

Paying attention to your dreams is another way to tap into your intuition and gain insights when reading tarot cards. Dreams can provide valuable clues and guidance, often presenting information in symbolic or metaphorical ways.

To start paying attention to your dreams, it’s important to create a routine around dream journaling. Keep a notebook or journal by your bed and write down any dreams as soon as you wake up, before they fade from memory.

As you write down your dreams, pay attention to any recurring themes, symbols, or images. These may hold important meanings and can be incorporated into your tarot card readings to provide deeper insights and understanding.

This is related to why you should keep a tarot journal.

It’s also helpful to explore the emotions and feelings that arise in your dreams. These may be connected to past experiences or unconscious desires, and can offer valuable insights into your inner world.

By paying attention to your dreams and incorporating their messages into your tarot card readings, you can develop a stronger connection to your intuition and become a more effective and insightful reader.

Practice, Practice, Practice

As with any skill, developing your intuition and becoming an effective tarot card reader requires practice. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with interpreting the cards and trusting your intuition.

One way to practice is to do daily or weekly tarot card readings for yourself or for others. Start with simple spreads and gradually work your way up to more complex layouts as you become more confident and skilled.

It’s also helpful to seek out feedback from others, whether through online forums or in-person tarot reading groups. This can provide valuable insights and help you refine your skills.

In addition to practicing readings, it’s important to continually educate yourself on the meanings and symbolism of tarot cards. Read books, take online courses, and attend workshops to deepen your understanding and enhance your abilities.

Remember, developing your intuition and becoming an effective tarot card reader is a journey, and it takes time and dedication.

Don’t be discouraged if you encounter challenges or setbacks along the way. Instead, use them as opportunities to learn and grow, and continue to practice and develop your skills.

By practicing regularly and continually educating yourself, you can become a more effective and insightful tarot card reader and strengthen your connection to your intuition.

The Benefits of Intuition in Tarot Card Readings

So, why is intuition so important in tarot card readings? Here are just a few of the benefits it can offer:

Increased Accuracy

Developing your intuition can lead to increased accuracy when reading tarot cards. As you become more in tune with your inner voice and learn to trust your instincts, you will be better able to interpret the cards and provide meaningful insights.

One way to increase accuracy is to approach each reading with an open and curious mindset. Avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions, and instead allow the cards to speak for themselves.

It’s also helpful to take time to fully understand the meanings and symbolism of the cards. This can involve reading books, attending workshops, or working with a mentor or teacher. The more you know about the cards, the better equipped you will be to interpret them accurately.

Another way to increase accuracy is to pay attention to the nuances of each card and how they relate to one another in a reading. Look for patterns, themes, and connections between the cards, and use your intuition to guide your interpretation.

Finally, it’s important to trust your intuition and not second-guess yourself. If you have a strong feeling or impression about the meaning of a card, trust it and incorporate it into your interpretation.

By developing your intuition and taking a thoughtful and open approach to each reading, you can increase the accuracy of your tarot card readings and provide meaningful insights for yourself and others.

Part of accuracy is learning the fundamentals. For instance, how do card reversals work in tarot?

Deeper Connections

Developing your intuition when reading tarot cards can also lead to deeper connections with both yourself and those you are reading for. By tapping into your intuition, you can access deeper insights and understanding, and provide meaningful guidance and support.

When reading tarot cards, it’s important to approach each reading with an open and empathetic mindset. Take the time to listen carefully to the person you are reading for and consider their unique perspective and experiences.

As you interpret the cards, use your intuition to guide your insights and provide a deeper understanding of the person’s situation. This can involve exploring emotions, hidden motivations, and potential obstacles or opportunities.

By providing a thoughtful and insightful reading, you can help the person you are reading for feel seen, heard, and understood. This can lead to deeper connections and a sense of shared understanding and empathy.

In addition to deepening connections with others, developing your intuition when reading tarot cards can also lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. By exploring your own intuition and inner voice, you can gain valuable insights into your own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.

By incorporating regular tarot card readings into your own self-care practice, you can develop a stronger connection to your intuition and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

Overall, developing your intuition when reading tarot cards can lead to deeper connections with both yourself and others, and provide meaningful insights and guidance. You can even incorporate numerology into your tarot readings.

Enhanced Creativity

Developing your intuition when reading tarot cards can also enhance your creativity. By accessing your inner voice and tapping into your intuition, you can unlock new insights and perspectives that can inspire creative ideas and solutions.

Tarot cards are full of rich symbolism and imagery that can spark your imagination and provide inspiration for creative projects. By exploring the meanings and themes of the cards, you can gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and explore new ideas and perspectives.

In addition, tarot card readings can help you access your subconscious mind, where many creative ideas and solutions are often found. By quieting your conscious mind and allowing your intuition to guide you, you can tap into a deeper level of creativity and inspiration.

As you become more comfortable with tarot card readings and develop your intuition, you may find that you are able to use the cards as a tool for creative brainstorming and problem-solving. By approaching creative challenges with an open and intuitive mindset, you may be able to unlock new and innovative ideas that you may not have otherwise considered.

Overall, developing your intuition when reading tarot cards can enhance your creativity and provide a source of inspiration and guidance for creative projects and problem-solving.


In summary, intuition plays a critical role in tarot card readings, allowing readers to connect more deeply with their clients and provide more accurate and meaningful insights.

By developing your own intuition through practices like meditation, dream analysis, and regular reading practice, you can enhance your own abilities and offer more powerful readings to others.


Q1. Do I Need to Be Psychic to Read Tarot Cards?

No, you don’t need to be psychic to read tarot cards. While some readers may have natural psychic abilities, the majority rely on their intuition and knowledge of the cards to provide guidance and insight.

Q2. Can Anyone Learn to Read Tarot Cards?

Yes, anyone can learn to read tarot cards with practice and dedication. While some may have a natural affinity for the cards, the skills involved in reading tarot can be developed and honed over time.

Q3. Is it Necessary to Use Intuition in Tarot Card Readings?

While it’s possible to read tarot cards without relying on intuition, it’s generally considered to be a critical part of the process. Intuition allows readers to connect more deeply with their clients and to provide more meaningful and accurate readings.

Q4. How Can I Tell if My Intuition is Leading Me Astray in a Tarot Reading?

It’s important to remember that intuition is not infallible, and that even experienced readers may misinterpret signs or symbols from time to time. To avoid this, it’s important to stay grounded and to approach each reading with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow.

Q5. Can Tarot Cards Be Used for Prediction?

While tarot cards can offer guidance and insight, they should not be relied on for predictions or as a substitute for professional advice. The future is always in flux, and the cards can only provide a snapshot of the energies and influences at play in a given situation.


Esselmont, B. (2019). 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition. Biddy Tarot.


I took an interest in Wicca early on. I was born in the backwoods of upstate New York and always felt a deep connection with nature. I have continued to live in close harmony with nature in rural Connecticut. After twenty years of practice, I have decided to start this educational site on what I’ve learned along the way.

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