
The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings Simply Explained

Today we’ll cover the meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles tarot card. This is a part of a deep dive series on the tarot.


Upright MeaningFinancial stability and security, holding onto possessions, conservatism, and practicality.
Reversed MeaningFinancial insecurity, fear of losing material possessions, and greediness.
AstrologySun in Capricorn.
LoveIn a relationship, there might be a lack of emotional sharing or openness. For singles, you may need to let go of your fears of vulnerability to find love.
CareerIndicates a good time for job stability, financial security, and sticking with the same company. However, it can also indicate that you may be holding onto a job that no longer fulfills you.
FinancesThis card represents financial stability and success, and advises you to save for the future. However, be careful not to hold onto money too tightly and become greedy.
PastIn the past, you may have held onto possessions or security too tightly, or you may have been too conservative.
PresentYou may currently be holding onto your financial security too tightly, or you may be too conservative in your approach to life.
FutureThis card suggests that your future will bring financial stability and security, as well as a conservative approach to life. However, be mindful of holding onto your possessions too tightly and being too resistant to change.

The Four of Pentacles tarot card description

The Four of Pentacles tarot card typically depicts a figure holding onto four pentacles, which are often depicted as coins or disks with a five-pointed star in the center.

The figure is often depicted as sitting or standing on a platform or throne, symbolizing stability, security, and control over material possessions.

In some decks, the figure may be depicted with a stern expression, emphasizing the need for control and the fear of losing what one has accumulated. Other decks may show the figure with a more relaxed expression, indicating a sense of satisfaction with what one has obtained.

The Four of Pentacles card keywords

Some keywords associated with the Four of Pentacles tarot card are:

  • stability
  • security
  • control
  • material possessions
  • greed
  • possession
  • rigidity

Astrology of the Four of Pentacles card

In astrology, the Four of Pentacles is associated with the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Capricorn is a sign that is known for being disciplined, responsible, and hardworking, which are all qualities that are reflected in the Four of Pentacles.

The focus on material possessions and control also aligns with the earth element that is associated with Capricorn, as well as the planet Saturn, which is the planetary ruler of the sign.

Upright Four of Pentacles tarot card meaning

What is the meaning of the upright Four of Pentacles card?

The upright Four of Pentacles represents stability, control, and security over material possessions in an upright position. It suggests a strong focus on financial security, a rigid mindset, and a desire to hold onto what has been obtained.

The Four of Pentacles is a card that represents stability and control over material possessions. In an upright position, it can suggest a strong focus on security and a desire to hold onto what one has worked hard to obtain.

This card can indicate a need for protection and a fear of losing what one has, leading to a hoarding of resources or a reluctance to let go of anything. The figure in the card is often depicted sitting or standing on a throne, symbolizing the control and power they have over their possessions.

The Four of Pentacles can also suggest a rigid mindset and a lack of flexibility in financial and material matters. The figure in the card may be depicted with a stern expression, emphasizing this need for control.

Alternatively, they may be depicted with a more relaxed expression, indicating a sense of satisfaction with what has been obtained.

In summary, the upright Four of Pentacles represents stability, control, and security over material possessions. It can indicate a focus on the material world and a desire to hold onto what one has worked hard to obtain, but it can also suggest a rigid mindset and a fear of letting go.

Example upright Four of Pentacles reading

Erica has no direction in life. She turns to the tarot for help and draws the upright Four of Pentacles. What does this mean?

If Erica draws the upright Four of Pentacles tarot card, it could indicate that she is feeling the need for stability and control in her life, particularly in regard to material possessions and financial security.

The card suggests that she may be focusing too much on these aspects of her life and needs to find a balance.

However, the Four of Pentacles can also indicate a lack of flexibility and a rigid mindset.

If this is the case for Erica, it may suggest that she is having difficulty adapting to change or exploring new opportunities. It could indicate that she needs to step out of her comfort zone and be open to new possibilities in order to find direction and fulfillment in her life.

Reversed Four of Pentacles card tarot meaning

What is the meaning of the reversed Four of Pentacles tarot card?

The reversed Four of Pentacles in tarot represents a loss of control and stability in regard to material possessions and finances. It indicates a need to find a balance between holding onto what is important and embracing change, as well as a desire to break free from limiting beliefs.

The reversed Four of Pentacles tarot card can indicate a loss of control or stability in regard to material possessions and finances. This card can suggest that the focus on security and holding onto possessions has become too restrictive and is now causing problems.

The figure in the card may be depicted as falling or releasing their grip on the pentacles, symbolizing a loss of control.

The reversed Four of Pentacles can also indicate a lack of stability in one’s personal life, as well as a desire to break free from rigid and limiting beliefs. The figure in the card may be depicted as more relaxed or free, indicating a need for change and a desire to let go of the past.

In summary, the reversed Four of Pentacles tarot card can indicate a loss of stability and control in regard to material possessions and finances, as well as a desire to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace change.

It suggests a need to find a balance between holding onto what is important and being open to new opportunities.

Example reversed Four of Pentacles reading

If Francine draws the reversed Four of Pentacles tarot card, it could indicate that she feels a loss of control or stability in regard to her reading habits.

This card can suggest that her focus on maintaining a certain standard or expectation for reading has become too restrictive and may now be causing problems.

The reversed Four of Pentacles can also indicate a desire to break free from rigid and limiting beliefs related to reading. Francine may feel a need to let go of her previous expectations and be open to new opportunities, even if it means stepping outside of her comfort zone.

In the context of Francine’s reading habits, the reversed Four of Pentacles tarot card can suggest a need to find a balance between her desire to maintain her reading habits and her need to embrace change.

It could be an opportunity for her to rediscover the joy in reading and let go of any limiting beliefs that may be holding her back.

Meanings of the Four of Pentacles in tarot positions

Depending on the position of the Four of Pentacles card, you will need to interpret it differently.

Love Four of Pentacles tarot meaning

In a love context, the Four of Pentacles can represent a need for stability and security in relationships. The figure in the card is depicted with a firm grip on the pentacles, symbolizing a desire to hold onto and protect what is precious and important.

In this context, the card can suggest a fear of losing the love and affection that one has worked hard to obtain.

However, this card can also indicate a rigid mindset and a lack of flexibility in relationships. The figure in the card may be depicted with a stern expression, emphasizing a need for control and stability in matters of the heart.

This can suggest a fear of change and a reluctance to open up or try new things.

In the context of love, the Four of Pentacles can indicate a desire for security and stability, but it can also suggest a need to let go of control and embrace the ups and downs of love. It is a reminder to find a balance between holding onto what is important and being open to new experiences.

Career Four of Pentacles tarot meaning

When it comes to work, the Four of Pentacles can be all about finding that sweet spot between stability and adventure. This card is like a tight grip on your career – you want to hold onto what you’ve earned and protect it with all your might.

But it can also mean you’re clinging too tight and might be missing out on new opportunities.

Think of it this way: you don’t want to be so rigid that you miss out on exciting new paths, but you also don’t want to be so loosey-goosey that you let all your hard work slip away.

The Four of Pentacles is all about striking that balance and making sure you’re taking care of yourself, both financially and career-wise, while still leaving room for growth and new adventures.

Finances Four of Pentacles tarot meaning

When it comes to money, the Four of Pentacles is all about finding that sweet spot between security and opportunity.

This card is like a grip on your finances – you want to hold onto what you’ve earned and protect it fiercely. But it can also mean you’re clinging too tight and might be missing out on new financial opportunities.

Think of it this way:

You don’t want to be so rigid that you miss out on exciting financial possibilities, but you also don’t want to be so loosey-goosey that you let all your hard-earned cash slip away.

The Four of Pentacles is all about striking that balance and making sure you’re taking care of your finances while still leaving room for growth and new financial adventures.

Advanced modern tarot interpretations of the Four of Pentacles card

I always like to examine other, modern decks to see what can be read into their symbolism.

The reason for this is that every person will have different decks, so it’s good to learn how to go with your gut on what you see. This is the best way to have a good interpretation of the moment.

Too many people stick to a learned reading instead of going with the flow. Remember, each reading, deck, person, position, and question is different. Reading the cards is an art, not a science.

Here is a new interpretation of the Four of Pentacles tarot card:

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes a tight grip on information and control over digital resources.

The figure in the card is depicted with a firm grip on the pentacles, representing a desire to hold onto and protect one’s digital assets and knowledge. This card can suggest a focus on maintaining and improving one’s control over technology and data.

However, this card can also indicate a rigid mindset and a lack of flexibility in the digital world. The figure in the card may be depicted with a stern expression, emphasizing a need for control and stability in one’s technological life.

This can suggest a fear of change and a reluctance to embrace new technological advancements or innovative ideas.

In the context of technology, the Four of Pentacles can indicate a desire for stability and control, but it can also suggest a need to let go of control and embrace change.

It is a reminder to find a balance between holding onto what is important and being open to new technological opportunities and advancements.

Back to the Minor Arcana list.

The previous card was the Three of Pentacles tarot card and the next card is the Five of Pentacles card.


  • Dean, L. (2018). The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others. Fair Winds Press.

I took an interest in Wicca early on. I was born in the backwoods of upstate New York and always felt a deep connection with nature. I have continued to live in close harmony with nature in rural Connecticut. After twenty years of practice, I have decided to start this educational site on what I’ve learned along the way.

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