
The King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings Simply Explained

Today we’ll cover the meaning and interpretation of the King of Swords tarot card. This is a part of a deep dive series on the tarot.


UprightAuthority, leadership, intellect, logic, analysis, fairness, justice
ReversedManipulation, abuse of power, tyranny, coldness, arrogance
AstrologyAir signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
LoveA rational and logical approach, may lack emotional depth, and may indicate a need for clear communication
CareerStrong leadership skills, and strategic thinking, may indicate success in law, politics, or academia
FinancesFinancial planning and decision-making based on logic and analysis, success through careful budgeting
PastA time of strong leadership and intellectual pursuits ,may indicate a past decision made with a clear and rational mind
PresentA need for clear thinking and decisive action, may indicate a mentor or authority figure in your life
FutureSuccess through strategic planning and logical decision-making, may indicate the need for legal or financial advice

The King of Swords tarot card description

The King of Swords is a tarot card that symbolizes authority, rationality, and intelligence. The imagery on the card varies depending on the deck, but here is a description of a typical representation:

  • The figure: The central figure is usually depicted as a seated king holding a sword in his right hand, which represents his power and decision-making abilities. He is often depicted wearing a crown and regal attire, symbolizing his royal status.
  • The sword: The sword is a central image on the card and represents clarity of thought, discernment, and the ability to cut through illusion.
  • The throne: The throne represents stability and a position of power. It often has a cushion or fabric in blue or red, symbolizing wisdom and intellect.
  • The background: The background can vary, but it is often depicted as a cloudy or starry sky, symbolizing the king’s connection to the heavens and his ability to see through the veil.
  • The symbol: Some decks may feature additional symbols such as a globe or books, which reinforce the king’s intelligence and wisdom.

In summary, the King of Swords tarot card represents a person who is in a position of authority and uses his intelligence, wisdom, and decision-making abilities to lead others.

The King of Swords card keywords

Some keywords associated with the King of Swords tarot card are:

  • Authority
  • rationality
  • intelligence
  • power
  • decision-making
  • clarity
  • discernment
  • stability
  • wisdom
  • intellect
  • heaven
  • leadership

Astrology of the King of Swords card

In tarot, the King of Swords is often associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign of detachment, intelligence, and impartiality, which aligns well with the qualities symbolized by the King of Swords.

The sign of Aquarius is also associated with the air element, which represents communication, ideas, and movement. These qualities are reflected in the King of Swords’ use of his intelligence and decision-making abilities to lead and guide others.

It is important to note that the association between tarot cards and astrology is not a universally accepted practice and can vary depending on the deck and the reader’s personal beliefs. Some tarot readers use astrology as a tool for interpreting the cards, while others do not.

Upright King of Swords tarot card meaning

What is the meaning of the upright King of Swords card?

The upright King of Swords tarot card represents intelligence, rationality, and authority. It symbolizes a person who uses their wit, wisdom, and decision-making abilities to guide and lead others and make important well-thought-out decisions.

The traditional interpretation of the upright King of Swords tarot card is one of rationality, intelligence, and authority. This card symbolizes a person who is in a position of power and uses their wit, wisdom, and decision-making abilities to guide and lead others.

They are known for their clarity of thought and ability to cut through illusions and see things for what they truly are. The King of Swords is also associated with communication, as they use their intellect to convey their ideas and messages effectively.

In a reading, the upright King of Swords card may indicate a person who is skilled in using their intellect to resolve conflicts, make important decisions, and achieve their goals.

It may also represent the need to make logical, well-thought-out decisions, rather than relying on emotions or impulses.

In personal readings, the upright King of Swords card may suggest a need to exercise greater authority in one’s life, or to make use of one’s intellect and wisdom to achieve one’s goals.

It may also indicate a need to be more detached and impartial in one’s thinking, in order to make more rational decisions.

Example upright King of Swords reading

Jess regrets her career choice but now feels trapped. She turns to the tarot for help and draws the upright King of Swords. What does this mean?

If Jess drew the upright King of Swords tarot card while seeking guidance on her career, the card may suggest that she should use her intellect and decision-making abilities to assess her situation and determine a course of action.

The King of Swords represents clarity of thought and the ability to cut through illusions, so Jess may be encouraged to take a logical and impartial approach to her career dilemma.

This card may also indicate that Jess should use her wisdom and intelligence to communicate her needs and negotiate a solution, whether that is a change in her current job or a transition to a new career path.

The King of Swords represents a person who is in a position of authority and is skilled in leading and guiding others, so Jess may be encouraged to assert herself and take control of her situation.

Reversed King of Swords card tarot meaning

What is the meaning of the reversed King of Swords tarot card?

The reversed King of Swords tarot card represents imbalance, cruelty, and a lack of clarity. It suggests that the person symbolized by the card may be acting in a cruel or ruthless manner, making impulsive decisions, or struggling to see things objectively.

The traditional interpretation of the reversed King of Swords tarot card is one of imbalance, cruelty, and a lack of clarity. This card suggests that the person symbolized by the King of Swords is not using their intelligence and decision-making abilities in a positive manner.

They may be acting in a cruel or ruthless manner or making impulsive decisions without considering the consequences. The reversed King of Swords may also indicate that the person is not being honest with themselves or others, or that they are struggling to see things objectively.

In a reading, the reversed King of Swords card may indicate a situation where reason and logic are not being applied in a balanced way. It may suggest a lack of clear thinking and poor communication, leading to conflicts or misunderstandings.

In personal readings, the reversed King of Swords card may suggest a need to balance one’s intellect and emotions, or to use one’s wisdom more objectively.

It may also indicate a need to be more honest with oneself and to avoid making impulsive decisions without considering the consequences.

Example reversed King of Swords reading

Shawn is worried his marriage is falling apart. He does a tarot reading and draws the reversed King of Swords. What does this mean?

If Shawn drew the reversed King of Swords tarot card while seeking guidance on his marriage, the card may indicate that his marriage is facing a period of conflict, misunderstanding, or emotional imbalance.

The reversed King of Swords suggests a lack of clear thinking and poor communication, which may be contributing to the difficulties in his marriage.

This card may also suggest that Shawn is not using his intellect and decision-making abilities in a positive manner, or that he is struggling to see things objectively.

It may indicate that he is acting in a cruel or ruthless manner towards his spouse, or that he is making impulsive decisions without considering the consequences.

In order to improve the situation, Shawn may be encouraged to balance his intellect and emotions and to use his wisdom more objectively. He may also need to work on his communication skills and be more honest with himself and his spouse.

By bringing clarity and reason back into the relationship, Shawn may be able to find a way to overcome the difficulties in his marriage.

Meanings of the King of Swords in tarot positions

Depending on the position of the King of Swords card, you will need to interpret it differently.

Love King of Swords tarot meaning

The King of Swords in a love context represents someone who is rational, decisive, and intelligent in their approach to love. They possess a sharp mind and are able to analyze the situation at hand with clarity and objectivity.

This person may not be the most emotional, but they use their logic and practicality to navigate their relationships and make the best decisions for themselves. They are a natural leader and are not afraid to take charge and make bold choices in their love life.

However, this could also indicate a tendency to be overly controlling or dominant in relationships. Overall, the King of Swords suggests a logical and well-thought-out approach to love, with a focus on making rational decisions based on reason and intellect.

Career King of Swords tarot meaning

The King of Swords in a career context symbolizes a leader who is sharp, strategic, and quick-witted.

They have a powerful intellect and are able to navigate complex and challenging situations with ease, making well-informed decisions with confidence. This card suggests that the individual is a natural-born manager, and has the ability to manage their team effectively and bring success to their endeavors.

They are not afraid of taking bold and decisive steps and are always striving for excellence in their work. The King of Swords in a career context also indicates a person who values fairness, justice, and transparency in their work, and may be a strong advocate for these principles.

The person represented by this card is a visionary, who brings structure, order, and discipline to their work, and is always looking for new ways to improve and succeed.

Finances King of Swords tarot meaning

The King of Swords in a financial context symbolizes intelligence, analytical thinking, and strategic planning. This person approaches money matters with a clear, rational mind, and has a good understanding of how to manage their finances in an effective and practical way.

They are able to make sound investments and have a good sense of timing when it comes to making financial decisions. The King of Swords suggests that the individual is in control of their finances, and is able to make calculated risks to grow their wealth.

This card can also indicate a person who is strict and disciplined with their spending and may be frugal in their habits.

The King of Swords suggests that the person is focused on stability and security in their financial life, and is working towards creating a solid financial foundation for the future.

This person is confident in their ability to manage money and is able to navigate financial challenges with ease and grace.

Advanced modern tarot interpretations of the King of Swords card

I always like to examine other, modern decks to see what can be read into their symbolism.

The reason for this is that every person will have different decks, so it’s good to learn how to go with your gut on what you see. This is the best way to have a good interpretation of the moment.

Too many people stick to a learned reading instead of going with the flow. Remember, each reading, deck, person, position, and question is different. Reading the cards is an art, not a science.

Here is a new interpretation of the King of Swords tarot card:

The King of Swords represents a leader who is sharp, strategic, and quick-witted in their online presence.

They have a powerful intellect and are able to navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of social media with ease, making well-informed decisions about how to use it to their advantage.

This person is a natural-born influencer, who is able to use their wit, charisma, and knowledge to create a strong online brand and engage with their followers in meaningful ways.

The King of Swords suggests that individual values transparency, honesty, and authenticity in their online presence, and may use their platform to advocate for important causes.

They are always looking for new and innovative ways to connect with their audience and make an impact online.

This person is confident in their ability to manage their online presence and is not afraid to take bold and decisive steps to stay ahead of the curve in the constantly evolving world of social media.

Back to the Minor Arcana list.

The previous card was the Queen of Swords tarot card and the next card is the Ace of Pentacles card.


  • Dean, L. (2018). The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others. Fair Winds Press.

I took an interest in Wicca early on. I was born in the backwoods of upstate New York and always felt a deep connection with nature. I have continued to live in close harmony with nature in rural Connecticut. After twenty years of practice, I have decided to start this educational site on what I’ve learned along the way.

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