
The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings Simply Explained

Today we’ll cover the meaning and interpretation of the Page of Pentacles tarot card. This is a part of a deep dive series on the tarot.


UprightNew beginnings, opportunities, curiosity, ambition, desire to learn
ReversedLack of focus, missed opportunities, procrastination, lack of progress
AstrologyEarth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
LoveA new romantic opportunity or crush, exploring feelings and desires
CareerNew job, apprenticeship, learning new skills, working with others
FinancesFinancial opportunity, budgeting, saving, investing
PastNew beginnings in education or career, curiosity, and desire for learning
PresentOpportunity for growth and learning, focus on building skills and knowledge
FutureNew opportunities for learning and growth, success through hard work and dedication

The Page of Pentacles tarot card description

The Page of Pentacles is a tarot card that typically features a young person, often depicted as a page or a student, holding a pentacle or a coin in their hands. The card is often associated with the earth element and represents the beginning stages of a new project, idea, or opportunity.

In the Rider-Waite tarot deck, the Page of Pentacles is shown as a young man dressed in a green tunic and brown boots, holding a large gold pentacle with both hands. He stands in the middle of a vast landscape, with mountains and fields visible in the background.

The man’s gaze is fixed on the pentacle as if he is studying it or admiring its value.

Other variations of the card may feature a young woman or a gender-neutral figure, and the colors and details may vary depending on the artist’s interpretation.

However, the core symbolism of the Page of Pentacles usually remains the same – it represents a new beginning, the potential for growth and success, and a focus on practical matters such as finances, career, or education.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles is a card that encourages the seeker to stay curious, stay focused, and be open to new opportunities and experiences, especially those related to material or tangible goals.

The Page of Pentacles card keywords

Here are some keywords associated with the Page of Pentacles tarot card:

  • New beginnings
  • Opportunities
  • Growth
  • Practicality
  • Hard work
  • Discipline
  • Material goals
  • Finances
  • Career
  • Education
  • Curiosity
  • Exploration
  • Determination
  • Realism
  • Focus
  • Grounding
  • Learning

Astrology of the Page of Pentacles card

In traditional tarot, each card is associated with an astrological sign or planet. The Page of Pentacles is generally associated with the zodiac sign of Capricorn, which is an earth sign known for its practicality, determination, and focus on material goals.

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which is often associated with discipline, structure, and hard work. The Page of Pentacles reflects these qualities, as it represents the beginning stages of a new project or idea, and encourages the seeker to stay focused, disciplined, and diligent in their pursuit of success.

However, it’s worth noting that different tarot decks and interpretations may associate the Page of Pentacles with different astrological signs or elements.

Some may also draw connections between the Page of Pentacles and other planets or celestial bodies, such as the Earth or the Moon. Ultimately, the astrological significance of the Page of Pentacles may vary depending on the context and interpretation.

Upright Page of Pentacles tarot card meaning

What is the meaning of the upright Page of Pentacles card?

The upright Page of Pentacles represents new beginnings, opportunities, and growth, particularly in practical matters like finance, career, or education. It encourages the seeker to stay focused, determined, and grounded in their pursuit of success, while being open to learning and exploration.

The upright Page of Pentacles is a tarot card that generally represents new beginnings, opportunities, and growth. When this card appears in a reading, it may suggest that the seeker is embarking on a new project, job, or venture, or that they are exploring a new area of study or learning.

The Page of Pentacles often suggests a focus on practical matters such as finances, career, or education, and encourages the seeker to stay disciplined, focused, and determined in their pursuit of success.

The Page of Pentacles is often associated with the element of Earth, which reflects its emphasis on material goals and practical matters. This card suggests a down-to-earth, realistic approach to achieving one’s ambitions, and may indicate that the seeker is willing to put in the necessary effort and work hard to achieve their goals.

The Page of Pentacles may also suggest that the seeker is curious, open-minded, and eager to learn, and may be seeking out new knowledge or experiences.

Overall, the upright Page of Pentacles is a positive card that suggests new beginnings and opportunities for growth and success. It encourages the seeker to stay focused, determined, and grounded in their pursuit of practical goals, and to be open to learning and exploration along the way.

Whether the seeker is embarking on a new job, starting a new project, or pursuing a new area of study, the Page of Pentacles suggests that success is within reach if they are willing to put in the necessary work and stay committed to their goals.

Example upright Page of Pentacles reading

Amber has an upcoming doctor’s appointment that she is nervous about. She turns to the tarot for help and draws the upright Page of Pentacles. What does this mean?

If Amber has drawn the upright Page of Pentacles in response to her upcoming doctor’s appointment, the tarot card may suggest that she is likely to encounter new beginnings, opportunities, and growth related to her health or wellness.

The card encourages her to stay disciplined, determined and focused in her pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. It may also suggest that she should stay open to learning and exploring new ways to take care of her body and seek out practical solutions or advice to help her achieve her goals.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles suggests that Amber should approach her doctor’s appointment with a practical, down-to-earth mindset, and that success is within reach if she is willing to put in the necessary work and stay committed to her goals.

The card may also indicate that this is a good time for Amber to take charge of her health and make positive changes that will help her achieve a better quality of life in the long run.

Reversed Page of Pentacles card tarot meaning

What is the meaning of the reversed Page of Pentacles tarot card?

The reversed Page of Pentacles indicates a lack of focus, discipline, and practicality, which may be hindering the seeker’s progress. It suggests that the seeker may need to refocus their energy and seek out guidance or support from others to overcome the challenges they are facing.

The reversed Page of Pentacles is a tarot card that generally indicates a lack of focus, discipline, or follow-through. When this card appears in a reading, it may suggest that the seeker is struggling to stay on track with their goals, or that they are feeling unmotivated or uninspired.

The Page of Pentacles in reverse can indicate a lack of practicality or a tendency to overlook important details, which may be hindering the seeker’s progress.

In some cases, the reversed Page of Pentacles may indicate that the seeker is feeling overwhelmed or unsure about a new project, job, or area of study.

They may be struggling to adapt to a new environment or to learn new skills and may be feeling frustrated or discouraged. This card suggests that the seeker may benefit from seeking out guidance or support from others, and from being open to new perspectives or ideas.

Overall, the reversed Page of Pentacles is a warning that the seeker may need to refocus their energy and stay disciplined in their pursuit of success.

They may need to take a step back and reevaluate their goals, or seek out new strategies or approaches to help them stay motivated and on track. By being more practical and grounded, and by seeking out the support and guidance of others, the seeker can overcome the challenges and obstacles that are preventing them from achieving their full potential.

Example reversed Page of Pentacles reading

Bea wonders if it is foolish to follow her dreams of becoming a romance novel writer. She does a tarot reading and draws the reversed Page of Pentacles. What does this mean?

If Bea has drawn the reversed Page of Pentacles in response to her question about becoming a romance novel writer, the tarot card may suggest that she is facing a lack of focus, discipline, or practicality that is preventing her from achieving her goals.

The card may indicate that she needs to reevaluate her approach to her writing and seek out guidance or support from others in the industry.

The reversed Page of Pentacles can also suggest that Bea may be feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about her abilities as a writer. She may be struggling to adapt to a new genre or to find her voice as an author and may be feeling discouraged or frustrated as a result.

The card encourages her to stay grounded and to seek out practical solutions or advice that will help her improve her skills and stay motivated.

Overall, the reversed Page of Pentacles may be a warning that pursuing her dream of becoming a romance novel writer may require more discipline and hard work than Bea had initially anticipated.

However, it also suggests that success is within reach if she is willing to stay focused, practical, and open to learning and exploring new ways to improve her craft.

Meanings of the Page of Pentacles in tarot positions

Depending on the position of the Page of Pentacles card, you will need to interpret it differently.

Love Page of Pentacles tarot meaning

When the Page of Pentacles appears in a love reading, it suggests that the seeker is likely to encounter new beginnings, opportunities, and growth in their romantic life.

The card may indicate that the seeker is ready to embark on a new journey of exploration and discovery, and is open to learning more about themselves and their partner.

This tarot card suggests that the seeker should approach their romantic relationships with a practical, down-to-earth mindset. They may benefit from focusing on the material aspects of their partnership, such as finances, living arrangements, and shared goals.

The card encourages the seeker to stay disciplined, determined and focused in their pursuit of a healthy and stable relationship.

The Page of Pentacles may also suggest that the seeker is in a period of self-discovery and exploration. They may be feeling curious and open-minded and may be interested in exploring new facets of their personality and their sexuality.

This card encourages the seeker to stay grounded and practical, while also remaining open to new experiences and perspectives.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles in a love context suggests that the seeker is ready to take charge of their romantic life and pursue their goals with determination and focus.

By staying practical and grounded, while also remaining open to new experiences and perspectives, the seeker can achieve a fulfilling and satisfying romantic relationship that meets their needs and desires.

Career Page of Pentacles tarot meaning

When the Page of Pentacles pops up in a career reading, it’s a signal that a new and exciting opportunity is on the horizon. The card indicates that the seeker is ready to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work necessary to achieve their goals.

This tarot card suggests that the seeker should approach their career goals in a practical and grounded manner. They may need to focus on developing new skills, acquiring knowledge, or learning from others in their field.

The card encourages the seeker to stay disciplined and focused on their objectives, no matter how challenging or daunting the road ahead may seem.

The Page of Pentacles may also indicate that the seeker is in a period of exploration and growth. They may be eager to take risks, try new things, and discover new facets of their personality and their professional abilities.

This card inspires the seeker to stay grounded and practical, while also being open to new experiences and perspectives.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles in a career context suggests that the seeker is poised for success if they stay focused, disciplined, and open to growth and exploration.

Finances Page of Pentacles tarot meaning

When the Page of Pentacles appears in a financial reading, it’s a good omen that money and abundance are on the way. The card suggests that the seeker is ready to get practical and disciplined about their finances in order to build a more stable future.

This tarot card implies that the seeker should approach their financial matters with a solid plan and an eye for detail. They may need to focus on building up their savings, reducing their debts, or seeking out new sources of income.

The card encourages the seeker to stay focused and determined on their goals, even if it requires a lot of hard work and sacrifice.

The Page of Pentacles may also signal that the seeker is in a period of growth and development when it comes to their relationship with money.

They may be learning new things about managing their finances, becoming more financially responsible, or taking steps to increase their wealth. This card inspires the seeker to stay grounded and practical, while also being open to new opportunities for growth and abundance.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles in a financial context suggests that the seeker is ready to take charge of their financial future and build a stable, prosperous life.

By staying focused, disciplined, and open to new opportunities, the seeker can overcome any financial challenges that come their way and achieve financial success.

Advanced modern tarot interpretations of the Page of Pentacles card

I always like to examine other, modern decks to see what can be read into their symbolism.

The reason for this is that every person will have different decks, so it’s good to learn how to go with your gut on what you see. This is the best way to have a good interpretation of the moment.

Too many people stick to a learned reading instead of going with the flow. Remember, each reading, deck, person, position, and question is different. Reading the cards is an art, not a science.

Here is a new interpretation of the Page of Pentacles tarot card:

The Page of Pentacles in a social media context represents the seeker’s desire to learn and master new skills, particularly in the digital world. This tarot card suggests that the seeker is ready to get practical and disciplined about their social media presence in order to achieve their goals.

This card may indicate that the seeker is in a period of exploration and experimentation when it comes to their social media activities. They may be eager to build their online audience, create engaging content, or learn about the latest social media trends and strategies.

The Page of Pentacles encourages the seeker to stay grounded and practical, while also being open to new ideas and approaches.

In a social media reading, the Page of Pentacles may also suggest that the seeker needs to stay focused and disciplined when it comes to their online activities.

They may need to set clear goals, establish routines, and stick to a schedule in order to make the most of their social media presence. The card reminds the seeker that success in social media often comes from hard work, consistency, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles in a social media context represents the seeker’s desire to master the art of digital communication and use it to achieve their goals.

Back to the Minor Arcana list.

The previous card was the Ten of Pentacles tarot card and the next card is the Knight of Pentacles card.


  • Dean, L. (2018). The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others. Fair Winds Press.

I took an interest in Wicca early on. I was born in the backwoods of upstate New York and always felt a deep connection with nature. I have continued to live in close harmony with nature in rural Connecticut. After twenty years of practice, I have decided to start this educational site on what I’ve learned along the way.

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