
The Page of Swords Tarot Card Meanings Simply Explained

Today we’ll cover the meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords tarot card. This is a part of a deep dive series on the tarot.


Upright MeaningNew ideas, curiosity, exploration, learning, communication, mental agility, a messenger of truth
Reversed MeaningMiscommunication, deception, manipulation, dishonesty, mental blocks, lack of clarity, avoiding responsibility
AstrologyAir signs – Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
LoveCommunication, new ideas, intellectual attraction, playfulness, witty banter, potential for mental games or manipulation
CareerCommunication-based fields, writing, journalism, research, media, public speaking, teaching
FinancesFinancial planning, investment in education or skills, communication skills, new opportunities for income
PastA time of exploration and learning, new ideas and curiosity, a need for communication or mental clarity
PresentA time of exploration and learning, new ideas and curiosity, communication or mental clarity is needed, the potential for a message or news
FuturePotential for new ideas and communication, a time for mental agility and exploration, need for honesty and clarity in communication

The Page of Swords tarot card description

The Page of Swords tarot card typically depicts a youthful figure holding a sword in an upright position.

The figure is often shown dressed in armor or clothing that symbolizes agility and intelligence. Behind the figure, a landscape or sky is depicted with clouds, wind, or other symbols of movement and change.

The sword held by the figure is often seen as a symbol of justice, truth, and communication.

The Page of Swords card is often associated with messages, ideas, and the pursuit of knowledge, and is considered a symbol of self-discovery and determination.

In a reading, the Page of Swords card can indicate that a new idea, opportunity, or challenge is on the horizon and that the person being read for should be ready to take on new adventures with courage and wit.

The Page of Swords card keywords

Some keywords associated with the Page of Swords tarot card are:

  • Communication
  • Ideas
  • Intelligence
  • Justice
  • Movement
  • Opportunity
  • Self-discovery
  • Swords
  • Truth
  • Youthfulness
  • Courage
  • Determination
  • Agility
  • Challenges
  • New beginnings
  • Exploration
  • Messaging

Astrology of the Page of Swords card

In tarot, astrological correspondences are often used to give further insight into the meaning of a card. The Page of Swords is sometimes associated with the astrological sign of Gemini.

Gemini is an air sign and is associated with communication, curiosity, and adaptability, which aligns well with the themes of the Page of Swords.

This association also highlights the idea that the Page of Swords represents the birth of new ideas, the pursuit of knowledge, and the need to communicate effectively in order to succeed.

However, it’s important to note that astrological correspondences are not set in stone and may vary depending on the deck or interpretation being used.

Upright Page of Swords tarot card meaning

What is the meaning of the upright Page of Swords card?

The upright Page of Swords represents new ideas, communication, and the pursuit of knowledge. In an upright position, it indicates that a message or opportunity for growth is on the way and encourages the person to be proactive, communicative, and intellectually curious.

The Page of Swords is often seen as a symbol of new ideas, communication, and the pursuit of knowledge. In an upright position, this card can indicate that a message or opportunity for growth is on the way.

The figure holding the sword symbolizes determination and a willingness to embrace challenges and new adventures. This card can also suggest that the person being read for should use their wit and intelligence to navigate through any obstacles that may arise.

The Page of Swords can indicate that it is a good time for the person to take a stand and speak their truth, as well as to engage in activities that involve learning and intellectual pursuits.

This card can also indicate that the person needs to be clear and concise in their communication, as well as be prepared to act quickly and decisively when necessary.

Overall, the upright Page of Swords is a positive omen that encourages the person to be proactive, communicative, and intellectually curious. It suggests that this is a time for growth, change, and new beginnings.

Example upright Page of Swords reading

Amber feels sad all the time about her future. She turns to the tarot for help and draws the upright Page of Swords. What does this mean?

If Amber drew the upright Page of Swords while seeking guidance for her feelings of sadness about her future, the card could suggest that she is being called to take action and embrace new opportunities.

The Page of Swords can indicate that a message or opportunity for growth is on the way, and encourages the person to be proactive, communicative, and intellectually curious.

This card can also suggest that Amber needs to be clear and concise in her communication and be prepared to act quickly and decisively.

By embracing new challenges and using her wit and intelligence, Amber may be able to find new ways to approach her future with hope and determination. The Page of Swords can be seen as a call to action and a sign of hope for a better future.

Reversed Page of Swords card tarot meaning

What is the meaning of the reversed Page of Swords tarot card?

The reversed Page of Swords suggests confusion, difficulty in communication, and indecisiveness. It may indicate a time of uncertainty and a need to reflect and make a conscious effort to communicate more effectively and positively.

In a reversed position, the Page of Swords can indicate that the person is facing communication difficulties, confusion, or a lack of clarity in their thoughts and ideas.

The reversed Page of Swords can suggest that the person is feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about the future, and may be struggling to make decisions or take action.

This card can also indicate that the person is being too harsh or impulsive in their words and actions, or maybe spreading negativity and discord. The reversed Page of Swords can suggest that the person is lacking direction and focus, and may be indecisive or easily influenced by others.

Overall, the reversed Page of Swords can indicate a time of uncertainty and confusion and can suggest that the person needs to take a step back, reflect on their thoughts and actions, and make a conscious effort to communicate more effectively and positively.

Example reversed Page of Swords reading

Christina’s boyfriend acts childish a bit too often. She does a tarot reading and draws the reversed Page of Swords. What does this mean?

If Christina drew the reversed Page of Swords while seeking guidance about her boyfriend’s behavior, it could suggest that there is confusion, uncertainty, or lack of clarity in the relationship.

The reversed Page of Swords can indicate that communication difficulties or negative behavior patterns are causing discord in the relationship.

This card may suggest that Christina is feeling overwhelmed by her boyfriend’s behavior and is struggling to find a way to address the situation effectively.

The reversed Page of Swords can indicate that Christina needs to take a step back, reflect on the situation, and make a conscious effort to communicate more effectively and positively with her boyfriend.

It may also be a sign that Christina needs to have a difficult conversation with her boyfriend about his behavior and how it is affecting their relationship.

By addressing the situation directly and communicating openly and effectively, Christina may be able to find a solution that works for both of them.

Meanings of the Page of Swords in tarot positions

Depending on the position of the Page of Swords card, you will need to interpret it differently.

Love Page of Swords tarot meaning

The Page of Swords in love suggests a time of nervous excitement, a rush of new ideas and thoughts that you’re eager to share.

You might be feeling a sense of independence, a desire to break free from limitations and explore uncharted territories in your relationship. You may also be seeking truth, clarity, and communication.

But be mindful of the sword in the card, as it can symbolize a sharp tongue, or using words to wound instead of heal. Keep your thoughts and actions well-honed, as they have the power to shape the future of your relationship. Use them wisely.

Career Page of Swords tarot meaning

The Page of Swords in a career context speaks to a time of change and action, as the eager figure in the card holds the sword of determination aloft. You might be feeling a sudden urge to shake things up and explore new paths in your work life.

You’re driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to succeed. Your mind is sharp and you’re full of ideas. But remember, the sword can also represent impulsiveness, so be mindful of how you approach your next steps.

Consider all angles before acting, and be clear and concise in your communication with colleagues. This is a time for strategic moves and smart risks. Trust your instincts, but don’t let them run away with you.

Finances Page of Swords tarot meaning

The Page of Swords in a financial context signifies a time of transformation and decision-making. You’re eager to take control of your finances, seeking new ways to make your money grow.

Your mind is sharp, and you’re full of innovative ideas for how to increase your wealth. However, the sword in the card can also represent impulsiveness, so be mindful of your actions. Don’t let your excitement get the better of you.

Take a measured approach, and be sure to carefully consider all your options before making any big moves. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and don’t be afraid to seek out expert advice when necessary.

With a sharp mind and a steady hand, you can turn your financial future in the direction you desire.

Advanced modern tarot interpretations of the Page of Swords card

I always like to examine other, modern decks to see what can be read into their symbolism.

The reason for this is that every person will have different decks, so it’s good to learn how to go with your gut on what you see. This is the best way to have a good interpretation of the moment.

Too many people stick to a learned reading instead of going with the flow. Remember, each reading, deck, person, position, and question is different. Reading the cards is an art, not a science.

Here is a new interpretation of the Page of Swords tarot card:

The Page of Swords in a technological context represents a time of change, innovation, and disruption.

You’re full of ideas and eager to make your mark in the tech world. You’re not afraid to take risks, and you’re comfortable adapting to new technologies and ideas as they emerge.

The sword in the card speaks to your desire to cut through old ways of thinking and find new and more efficient ways of doing things.

With your sharp mind and quick thinking, you’re well-positioned to make a big impact.

But be mindful of the potential downsides of this card. Avoid getting ahead of yourself, and take care not to let your ideas get the better of you. Stay grounded, and focus on executing your ideas with precision.

Remember, technology moves fast, but so should you.

Back to the Minor Arcana list.

The previous card was the Ten of Swords tarot card and the next card is the Knight of Swords card.


  • Dean, L. (2018). The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others. Fair Winds Press.

I took an interest in Wicca early on. I was born in the backwoods of upstate New York and always felt a deep connection with nature. I have continued to live in close harmony with nature in rural Connecticut. After twenty years of practice, I have decided to start this educational site on what I’ve learned along the way.

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