
The Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meanings Simply Explained

Today we’ll cover the meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Wands tarot card. This is a part of a deep dive series on the tarot.


UprightBurdens, responsibilities, hard work, taking on too much, stress, struggle, completion
ReversedInability to delegate, failure to ask for help, extreme stress, burnout, giving up
AstrologySaturn in Sagittarius
LoveFeeling weighed down by the relationship, too many responsibilities, need to communicate about shared burdens
CareerOverwork, taking on too many projects, feeling undervalued, potential for promotion or recognition
FinancesFinancial burdens, debts, overextension, need for financial planning and management
PastA time of great stress and hardship, feeling burdened and overwhelmed
PresentFeeling the weight of responsibilities, hard work, and perseverance, taking on too much
FutureSuccess after a period of struggle, need to delegate and manage responsibilities, re-evaluating priorities

The Ten of Wands tarot card description

The Ten of Wands tarot card is often depicted with a man carrying a heavy burden of ten wands, symbolizing a feeling of being weighed down by responsibilities and duties.

The wands are usually shown as long wooden sticks, each one representing a different task or challenge that the person must undertake. The figure in the image may appear tired or strained, indicating the difficulty of carrying such a heavy load.

The background of the card may vary depending on the deck but often shows a city or town, indicating that the responsibilities are related to work or business. Sometimes there are buildings or towers in the background, emphasizing the sense of pressure and obligation.

In some interpretations of the Ten of Wands tarot card, there may also be additional symbols present, such as a rising sun or a pathway leading away from the figure, suggesting that a change or a release from the burden is on the horizon.

Overall, the Ten of Wands represents a feeling of being overburdened and stressed, and the need to find a way to lighten the load and regain balance in one’s life.

The Ten of Wands card keywords

Some keywords associated with the Ten of Wands tarot card are:

  • Burden
  • Responsibility
  • Duty
  • Stress
  • Overburdened
  • Pressure
  • Obligation
  • Challenge
  • Burnout
  • Heavy load
  • Difficult tasks
  • City/town
  • Business
  • Towers/buildings
  • Rising sun
  • Change
  • Release
  • Regain balance

Astrology of the Ten of Wands card

In tarot, each card is often associated with a particular astrological sign or planet. The astrological significance of the Ten of Wands can vary depending on the deck and interpretation, but it is commonly associated with Saturn, the planet of limitations and responsibilities.

Saturn is known for its heavy and demanding nature, and this is reflected in the Ten of Wands, which depicts a person carrying a heavy burden. This card represents the challenges and responsibilities that Saturn can bring, as well as the need to manage them in a productive and balanced way.

In some interpretations, the Ten of Wands may also be associated with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, which is known for its adventurous and optimistic nature.

This association may suggest that despite the difficulties and challenges represented by the card, there is still room for growth and opportunity, especially when it comes to personal development and growth.

Overall, the astrological significance of the Ten of Wands emphasizes the importance of managing responsibilities and challenges in a healthy and balanced way, while also embracing new opportunities for growth and development.

Upright Ten of Wands tarot card meaning

What is the meaning of the upright Ten of Wands card?

The upright Ten of Wands tarot card represents a feeling of being overburdened by responsibilities and duties, symbolized by a person carrying a heavy burden of ten wands. It can indicate a need for rest and balance, but also represents hard work and perseverance, reminding the individual to stay focused and committed to their goals despite the challenges.

The Ten of Wands is a card that represents a heavy burden and overwhelming responsibilities. The image depicts a person carrying a load of ten wands, symbolizing the many tasks and challenges that they must undertake.

The figure in the card may appear tired or strained, indicating the difficulty of carrying such a heavy load. This card is a warning about feeling overwhelmed and overburdened.

In a traditional interpretation, the upright Ten of Wands suggests that the individual is carrying too much weight, both physically and mentally. They may be shouldering too many responsibilities and feeling the pressure to keep up with it all.

It can also indicate a sense of burnout and a need for rest and relaxation.

However, the card also has a positive aspect, indicating that the individual is capable of handling their responsibilities and will come out stronger for it. It is a reminder to pace oneself, delegate tasks, and find balance in life.

In a more general sense, the Ten of Wands can also represent hard work and perseverance.

It suggests that the individual is committed to their responsibilities and is working hard to achieve their goals, even though it may be challenging. This card can be seen as a sign of progress and success, reminding the individual to stay focused and not let their challenges get the best of them.

Example upright Ten of Wands reading

Tobias thinks he drinks too much and asks the tarot about this. He draws the upright Ten of Wands. What does this mean?

If Tobias draws the upright Ten of Wands in response to his question about drinking, it could suggest that he feels overwhelmed and overburdened by the responsibilities and consequences of his excessive drinking.

The image of the figure carrying a heavy load of wands may reflect the weight of guilt, shame, or negative health effects that Tobias is experiencing as a result of his drinking habits.

However, the Ten of Wands can also indicate the need for hard work and perseverance in order to overcome challenges.

In this context, it may be interpreted as a sign that Tobias needs to take action to address his drinking problem and work towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

The card can be seen as a reminder that he is capable of handling the challenges he faces, and that he will come out stronger for it.

Reversed Ten of Wands card tarot meaning

What is the meaning of the reversed Ten of Wands tarot card?

The reversed Ten of Wands tarot card represents a release from the burdens and pressures of responsibilities, symbolized by a figure lowering or dropping their heavy load of wands. It suggests a time of renewal and relief, but also a reminder to take on responsibilities and face challenges head-on in order to maintain positive momentum.

The reversed Ten of Wands represents a release from the burden and pressure of responsibilities. The image in the card may show the figure lowering or dropping the heavy load of wands, indicating a sense of relief and freedom.

This card is a positive sign of release from the stress and difficulties represented by the upright Ten of Wands.

In a traditional interpretation, the reversed Ten of Wands suggests that the individual has successfully managed their responsibilities and is now able to let go of their worries and burdens.

They may feel a sense of renewed energy and clarity and are better equipped to handle any challenges that come their way. The card can also indicate a time of change, as the individual regains balance and moves forward with a more positive outlook.

Alternatively, the reversed Ten of Wands can indicate a lack of motivation or a refusal to take on responsibilities. The individual may be shirking their duties or avoiding their challenges, leading to negative consequences.

In this context, the card serves as a warning to take action and face the challenges head-on, instead of avoiding them.

Overall, the reversed Ten of Wands suggests a time of renewal and release, as the individual regains balance and moves forward with a positive outlook.

However, it also reminds the individual to take on their responsibilities and face their challenges head-on, in order to maintain this positive momentum.

Example reversed Ten of Wands reading

Callum hasn’t talked to his mother in three years after an argument. He draws the reversed Ten of Wands. What does this mean?

If Callum draws the reversed Ten of Wands in relation to his relationship with his mother, it could indicate a release from the burden of their argument and the negative feelings that have resulted from it.

The image of the figure lowering or dropping the heavy load of wands may reflect a sense of relief and a desire to move forward from the conflict.

In this context, the reversed Ten of Wands can suggest that Callum is ready to put the argument behind him and make amends with his mother.

He may be open to resolving the issue and finding a way to reconcile their relationship. Alternatively, the card can also indicate that Callum is avoiding the situation and shirking his responsibilities in terms of making amends.

In any case, the reversed Ten of Wands serves as a reminder for Callum to face the challenge of his relationship with his mother and work towards a resolution, instead of avoiding it.

It suggests that he has the strength and resilience to handle the situation and that a positive outcome is possible if he takes action.

Meanings of the Ten of Wands in tarot positions

Depending on the position of the Ten of Wands card, you will need to interpret it differently.

Love Ten of Wands tarot meaning

In a love context, the Ten of Wands can indicate a feeling of being overburdened by the responsibilities and expectations of a relationship.

The image of the figure carrying a heavy load of wands may reflect the weight of the emotional, financial, or other practical commitments that are required in a relationship. This can lead to feelings of stress, burnout, and a sense that the individual is shouldering too much of the burden.

However, the Ten of Wands can also indicate a strong commitment and perseverance in a relationship, despite the challenges. In this context, it may suggest that the individual is willing to put in the hard work and effort required to make the relationship succeed.

They are willing to take on the responsibilities and overcome the obstacles that may arise.

In general, the Ten of Wands in a love context can indicate a need for balance and rest, but also a reminder to stay focused and committed to the relationship, despite the challenges.

It may suggest that the individual is capable of handling the burdens of the relationship and that they will come out stronger for it.

Career Ten of Wands tarot meaning

In a career context, the Ten of Wands can indicate a heavy workload or the feeling of being overburdened by responsibilities.

The image of the figure carrying a heavy load of wands may reflect the weight of the tasks, deadlines, and expectations that are required in a professional setting. This can lead to feelings of stress, burnout, and a sense that the individual is shouldering too much of the burden.

However, the Ten of Wands can also indicate a strong commitment and perseverance in one’s career, despite the challenges. The figure in the card may suggest that the individual is willing to put in the hard work and effort required to succeed in their career.

They are taking on the responsibilities and pushing through the obstacles that may arise.

In general, the Ten of Wands in a career context can indicate a need for balance and rest, but also a reminder to stay focused and committed to one’s goals, despite the challenges.

The card may suggest that the individual is capable of handling the burdens of their career and that they will come out stronger for it.

Alternatively, it can also indicate a need to reassess the workload and responsibilities and find a way to manage them more effectively in order to prevent burnout.

Finances Ten of Wands tarot meaning

In a financial context, the Ten of Wands can indicate a heavy burden of financial responsibilities and debts.

The image of the figure carrying a heavy load of wands may reflect the weight of bills, loans, and other financial obligations that are weighing on the individual. This can lead to feelings of stress and a sense that they are shouldering too much of the financial burden.

However, the Ten of Wands can also indicate a strong commitment and perseverance in managing one’s finances, despite the challenges.

The figure in the card may suggest that the individual is willing to put in the hard work and effort required to get their finances in order. They are taking on the responsibilities and overcoming the obstacles that may arise.

In general, the Ten of Wands in a financial context can indicate a need for balance and rest, but also a reminder to stay focused and committed to managing one’s finances, despite the challenges.

The card may suggest that the individual is capable of handling their financial burden and that they will come out stronger for it.

Alternatively, it can also indicate a need to reassess the financial situation and find a way to manage their debts and obligations more effectively, in order to achieve financial stability and security.

Advanced modern tarot interpretations of the Ten of Wands card

I always like to examine other, modern decks to see what can be read into their symbolism.

The reason for this is that every person will have different decks, so it’s good to learn how to go with your gut on what you see. This is the best way to have a good interpretation of the moment.

Too many people stick to a learned reading instead of going with the flow. Remember, each reading, deck, person, position, and question is different. Reading the cards is an art, not a science.

Here is a new interpretation of the Ten of Wands tarot card:

The Ten of Wands can indicate a heavy workload and feeling of being overburdened by responsibilities in the fast-paced and constantly evolving digital world.

The image of the figure carrying a heavy load of wands may reflect the weight of software updates, tech bugs, and expectations to keep up with the latest technology. This can lead to feelings of stress, burnout, and a sense that the individual is shouldering too much of the burden.

However, the Ten of Wands can also indicate a strong commitment and perseverance in the tech industry, despite the challenges.

The figure in the card may suggest that the individual is willing to put in the hard work and effort required to succeed and stay ahead in the field. They are taking on the responsibilities and pushing through the obstacles that may arise.

In general, the Ten of Wands in a tech context can indicate a need for balance and rest, but also a reminder to stay focused and committed to one’s goals, despite the challenges.

The card may suggest that the individual is capable of handling the demands of the tech industry and that they will come out stronger for it.

Alternatively, it can also indicate a need to reassess the workload and responsibilities and find a way to manage them more effectively in order to prevent burnout and stay ahead of the competition.

Back to the Minor Arcana list.

The previous card was the Nine of Wands tarot card and the next card is the Page of Wands card.


  • Dean, L. (2018). The Tarot Companion: A Portable Guide to Reading the Cards for Yourself and Others. Fair Winds Press.

I took an interest in Wicca early on. I was born in the backwoods of upstate New York and always felt a deep connection with nature. I have continued to live in close harmony with nature in rural Connecticut. After twenty years of practice, I have decided to start this educational site on what I’ve learned along the way.

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